Chapter Three: Detectives, Dinner and Dancing

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"So, let me just get this correct," Charlotte said, staring at the police officer on the other side of the desk. The man had only spoken to Steve and Bucky the entire time, even though they were there for her. "I do not exist? There is nobody with my name in this city at all? Surely there is a database of names in the country?"

The officer looked past Charlotte at Bucky in exasperation. "You need to control your woman," he said, and Charlotte's eyes narrowed at the officer.

"I am not anybody's woman," she hissed. "We are here because of me, not them. They are accompanying me, and I would like you to talk to me- not them- in regards to my questions."

Bucky let out a splutter of surprise, and Steve just stared at Charlotte with a smile.

The officer looked taken aback. "Look, lady, I don't know what I can tell you. There aren't any records of you existing, or anybody with the same surname as you, so I don't know what I can do for you."

"You're a detective, correct?" Charlotte asked.

The officer looked confused. "Well yes, but I don't know-"

"Then detect. You have where I am currently staying, you can contact me that way. Have a good day."

She stood, gesturing for the two men accompanying her to follow.


Steve was cheerful as they exited the station, and Bucky was simply staring at Charlotte in shock.

"You are something different, aren't you, Miss Red?" Bucky said, seeing Charlotte grin at him.

"I am indeed very unique," Charlotte said.

"Yes, you are," Steve agreed with a soft smile as he stared at Charlotte.

Bucky noticed the expression on his closest friends face and smiled to himself. "Okay kids, what are we doing now? I believe groceries were mentioned?" He began herding his two companions down the street toward the grocer.

"I'm a year younger than you!" Steve retorted.

"Yes Steve, and you act it. Now, Charlotte, did I hear you correctly in saying that you were cooking dinner tonight?"

She grimaced. "If you are keen on me burning down Steve's kitchen?"

Bucky grinned. "So long as it's food and I don't have to cook it, I don't mind, doll."

"Wow, you're not hard to please," Charlotte stated, arching an eyebrow at the man standing in front of her as she folded her arms at him.

"You'd be surprised," he said, smirking. "Usually it only takes the full removal of undergarments-"

"I don't need to know about your private life!" Charlotte shouted hurriedly, clapping her hands to her ears and looking at Steve, who was chuckling to himself as he fought a blush spreading up his cheeks.

Bucky smirked as they arrived at the grocer's, prying Charlotte's hands away from her ears.

"This one is pretty big- they have a butcher and a baker in the store, so we won't have to make more than one stop. Do you know what you need?"

Charlotte nodded, frowning at Bucky. "Are you not coming in?"

Steve laughed. "He doesn't like to shop. I'll come in with you."

He opened the door for Charlotte, gesturing for her to go in first. She blushed as she walked in, Steve following closely behind as he made eye contact with Bucky. Bucky gave a surreptitious thumbs-up and made a shooing motion with his hands as Steve saw Charlotte make a beeline for the pasta and tinned tomatoes.

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