Chapter Twenty-Five: In Defense of Agent Carter

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Howard stared intensely at Charlotte- as if trying to decipher what could possibly be wrong.

"Howard, if you stare at me much longer, I might combust," she remarked, sipping the coffee that Peggy had got for her.

Steve, Bucky, Howard and Peggy all sat in the middle of Howard and Charlotte's laboratory tent, staring at the woman in a tattered star-spangled dress who stood by the bench that housed the stolen batteries.

"Why are we here?" Peggy asked, her gaze fixated on the batteries that Charlotte had produced from the makeshift pocket in her blanket jacket.

"These batteries can power a tank," Bucky said. "I was forced to work with the weaponry- they need to be handled with care. If they come into contact with a person the power will vaporise them instantly."

Charlotte looked to Steve for assurance, and he smiled at her, his posture changing to come across as less tense. "Show them," he said softly.

She sighed, her shoulders hunching over in defeat as she walked over to the bench.

Howard seemed to realise what she was doing. "No, Charlie!" he shouted, leaping over to stop her from touching the battery.

Charlotte curled her fingers around the glowing blue bar, feeling the energy flow through her arms with a warmth, and she turned to face Peggy and Howard.

Peggy dropped her tea.

Charlotte's eyes glowed brightly from within as she stared at the occupants of the tent, unharmed.

"How is this possible?" Peggy stammered.

"I don't know," Charlotte whispered, and she dropped the battery back onto the table. Her eyes still glowed, and she blinked them furiously as if trying to blink it away. A tear slid down her cheek, leaving a track in the build-up of grit, blood and dirt on her skin.

Steve walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Charlotte," he murmured. "We'll work it out."

Peggy stood. "Are we informing Phillips?"

Charlotte appreciated her friend's composure, and what Peggy was doing- the woman was expected to report this development to anybody she knew. She was giving Charlotte the option to conceal it.

"We know nothing about it," Charlotte said slowly, after a moment of hesitation. "They would want me to be a lab rat."

"Absolutely not," Steve said quickly. "That's the last thing I want." He wore an undecipherable expression as he watched her, her steady gaze on him.

"Seconded," Howard added. "I don't want to lose my head technician. We can work on solving this in our own time."

"Understood," Peggy said, hugging Charlotte again. "I need to go and refill my tea and return to my talk with Phillips. Try not to go missing again."

Charlotte smiled wryly. "I'll try my damned hardest."

She strode out of the tent, Charlotte immediately whirling around to look at Howard once she had left. "You knew," she accused.

He smirked. "Of course I knew. The day we initiated Steve's change, you killed all of the plants in the room and nearly passed out- why do you think I made you the sugar drink?"

"I killed all the plants?" Charlotte's voice was shrill as her expression became distressed.

Bucky snickered and Charlotte gave him a look, eyes still glowing.

"This stays here, and doesn't leave this tent," Charlotte whispered. Steve's expression was one of worry.

"I understand," Howard said, smiling at her softly. "Go and get cleaned up and sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow."

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