Chapter Twenty-Nine: Death, Fate and Destiny

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"She managed to break the barrier."

The male voice next to Charlotte's left ear seemed surprised at this newest development. She couldn't open her eyes, the black surrounding her in a soundless and lightless vacuum.

"Well, should we just remove it then?" a female voice added beside Charlotte's right ear.

"You want to restore her to her potential?"

"Well, yes."

"Do you remember what happened last time?"

"It wasn't that bad."

"A planet died!"

"Okay, well, then we know what path has been set out for her," the female voice. "If she reaches the next step, we can restore her fully. We could remove some blocks and leave others."

"I don't like this, Destiny," the male voice- Fate- replied. "This feels like too much meddling with the path."

"Neither do I, Fate. But some things need to happen." The female voice was grim. "The God and the Giant have already begun to meddle with us, and I- for one- do not appreciate it. She's met him- what else needs to happen?"

Fate sighed. "We remove some blocks for now. Time isn't going to like this."

"Time can shove it," Destiny responded sharply. "I like her."

"This is on you," Fate muttered. "Charlotte Red, I hope you're listening carefully to our private conversation, because we'll be back. You need to return to your captain, and please don't absorb too much more Space, he will get annoyed."


Charlotte opened her eyes, forcing herself to take a deep breath as she hyperventilated, her gaze darting around the tent at the surprised expressions on the occupant's faces. Her arm was still attached to Steve's, and she felt a small jolt run through her body as the warmth of his skin seeped into hers. Warmth meant that he was still alive.

Peggy knelt over her, tears on her face as she clutched Charlotte's free hand in hers, and Howard had his hand pressed against her neck.

"There's a pulse!" Howard said excitedly, before looking down to see Charlotte's eyes open and staring at him. "Charlie!"

Bucky ran over, pulling her close to him. "Oh my god," he said, hugging her tightly. "We thought you were dead."

"I think... I think I was..." Charlotte said softly, looking around, her gaze resting on Steve as she sat up. She swayed slightly, and Bucky steadied her.

"You need to rest," Peggy said, fixing Charlotte with a look. "I don't know what you just did, but you need to rest."

"I'll get another stretcher," Morita offered from outside the tent.

"Damn her needing to rest, what the hell did she just do to Rogers?" Phillips spluttered.

Charlotte let out a whimper as Bucky helped her to stand over Steve as she checked his wounds.

"She stopped him from dying," Howard retorted, checking Charlotte's eyes for responsivity. The girl looked utterly exhausted from nearly probably dying- and coupled with the past few months of sleep deprivation working on weaponising HYDRA technology, she looked about ready to pass out.

Morita returned with a stretcher, placing it down next to where Steve lay.

"Lie down, Charlie," Howard said softly. "You did a good job."

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