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Crowley is sitting his thrown and looking at a demon deal contracts. He is then interrupted by one of his demons saying "meg has tried to double cross you again by working for those awful Winchester's." Crowley let's out a dramatic sigh and says " make a big group of you and bring her to me alive." The demon nods and makes a group of 20 demons then goes and finds Meg masters. A lot of demons are killed by Meg and the Winchester's but they capture her and bring her to Crowley. They throw her forward and she lands on her knees in front of Crowley. "Hello Meg" he says with a little smile. He makes a gesture to the other from one to leave and they all do so. Meg stands up and says "what do want Crowley." Crowley smirked and let's out a small laugh and says "a little birdie told me you were planning to double cross me again while working with the Winchester's so you gotta suffer the consequences." "Just get to the point Crowley." She says obviously annoyed. Crowley grins and says "fine you little back stabber you have been demoted to a cross roads demon the least powerful demon you start tomorrow." She looks surprised at Crowley then said "you can't do this to me Crowley." Crowley gives her a look and says "I can do whatever I want I'm the king of hell." Crowley snaps his fingers and his demons are back. He gestures for them to take her to the dungeon. They nod and she's gone. The demons disappear and Meg is alone in the dungeon and she has demon cuffs on.
She lays there till the next day she here's the dungeon door open. Crowley walks in and says "hello meg I brought you a little something for your new job." "What is it" she says clearly annoyed. It's a long black dress every cross roads demon has one." He walks over and takes off the demon cuffs. "Now I'm gonna go while you put that on I'll be back in a few."
Meg rules her eyes and puts on the long back dress and A pair of flats. She's fixing her shoe when Crowley walks in. Crowley doesn't like Meg Because she always tries to double cross him ,but he couldn't stop looking at her in that dress. She looked pretty and Crowley what he was thinking then finally snapped back into reality and said "there you go all dressed now time for your knew job he snapped his fingers and Meg was in a little waiting area somewhere in hell. She has to wait there until someone makes a deal. About an hour later a girl who's about 18 puts the box in the ground. Meg appears to see this girl who was sobbing and said " you okay there kid" the girl stops crying and says "oh my god it worked" Meg smiles and says "sure did" "what's your name" the girl asked kind of nervously. Meg smiled and says " "I'm Meg what your name kiddo" The girl smiles and says "my name is grace" Meg let's put a weak smile and says "well Grace you came here for a reason so what's your wish?"
Grace looks at her necklace that's a locket and opens it and looks at the picture of her mother inside. "I want my mother to be cured of cancer ." Meg smiles and said "okay let's seal the deal." Grace walks over to Meg and kisses her on the lips. Then Meg says "your wish is granted see you in 10 years grace." Grace smiles then gets in her car and drives away. All of a sudden Meg here's her phone ring. Before answering it she sees the caller ID say Castiel. She answers the phone and says " hello Clarence" Castiel was basically whispering in the phone when he says "hey we're throwing Dean a surprise birthday party tomorrow will you come." Meg laughed and said "sure I'll try to get out of doing stuff for Crowley he demoted me to cross roads demon and it sucks but I'll try to make it to deans party."
Cas then says "okay thanks Meg also dress up a little bit " then he hangs up the phone. Meg smiles then goes back to the waiting room. She does 5 more deals that day. Then demons throw her back in the dungeon. While she's in there she starts to look at dresses she can where to Deans party. She looks around then finally finds one.

(What Megs dress looks like)

(What Megs dress looks like)

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Then she falls asleep.

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