Deans party

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( okay so I know in supernatural angels can get drunk if they drink a lot well nothing is ever said about demons well in this fanfic it's the same where it's the sam as angels)

Meg woke up to Crowley being Annoying and making her got to work. Deans party didn't start till 6pm so she had a lot of time to kill anyway. Me spent the entire day doing her deals then the clock hit 5:30pm she put on her new dress that she snapped into existence then did her makeup. Meg loves to look her best so she made sure everything was perfect she put on her black stiletto heals then grabbed her phone and purse then snapped her fingers and she was at the bunker. She knocked and Castiel let her in. "Hey come in and get ready Dean should be here any minute!" Castiel was so over filled with joy. Meg walked in and hid they waited 5 minutes till Dean came in then everyone shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY DEAN! Dean was so surprised and so happy. He went around to see everyone and when he got to Meg he said " wow Meg masters don't you look nice" Meg laughed and said "thanks Winchester" Meg had a lot of drinks. Then there was a knock at the bunker door only Sam noticed so he went to the door and saw Crowley. Sam let him in and said "Crowley you weren't invited why are you here" with a little laugh. Crowley glared and said "I'm here for Meg." Sam pointed to the drink counter and Crowley walked towards it. As Crowley walked towards the bar he noticed a beautiful women in a sexy red dress then he realized it was Meg. Crowley completely ignored his feelings and walked up to her. As she saw Crowley she said "crap" and downed another shot. Crowley finally got close enough to talk to her and said "why the hell aren't you in hell Meg." She smiled and said "Crowley stop being such a downer and take a drink come on it's a party." Crowley always did Kinda like Megs little smile. "Fine I'll have a few" he said obviously annoyed. Meg smiled and gave him 4 shots. Crowley took them all and was still fine. They started to drink a lot more. Crowley then said "by the way that dress looks great on you." Meg smiles and says "thanks Crowley." An hour passes people start to leave then Meg says "hey I'm staying in a guest bedroom here tonight so you can go if you want ." Crowley shook his head no and took another shot and so did Meg. She was a lot more drunk then he was so he asked what room she was staying in and she pointed to a room close to the dungeon. Crowley got up and said "I think you should go lay down your gonna be a mess tomorrow." Meg shook her head and said "no I'm fine" then Crowley knew she wouldn't lay down on her own so he took her arm and lead her to where she was sleeping for the night. Sam was talking to Dean when he saw this happen and gets Deans attention and says "I thought they hated each other." Dean looks at Crowley moving Meg to her room and says "Meg still doesn't like Crowley but Crowley like her I can tell by the way he's moving her to her room." Crowley looks at them but they move before he can see them." Crowley finally gets her to her room and puts her on the bed. He snaps his fingers and Meg is wearing a tee shirt and shorts for pajamas. He moves Meg up to the pillows and covers her with the blankets. He then says "goodnight Meg" he gets so tired that he just falls asleep on a chair that's in Megs room. Sam sees this threw a tiny crack in the door and laughs. Then everyone goes to sleep.

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