The movie Marathon 🍿🥤

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———————the next morning————————
Meg was still asleep when the dungeon door opened. Crowley walks in and looks at sleeping Meg. Then he says "hey sleeping Beauty time to get up you got a lot of deals today." Crowley then thinks did I just give her a nickname. He still doesn't know how exactly he feels about meg so this situation made it more confusing. Meg wakes up and says "come on let me sleep" Crowley smiles and says "you got work to do remember you have that movie marathon tonight at the bunker." Meg smiles and says "fine I'll get up." Crowley laughs and says "I knew you would be like this so I made you a coffee it's in the waiting room." Meg nods and snaps her fingers and she's in her black dress and flats she's ready for the crossroads. Then she says "see ya Crowley." As she disappears into the the waiting room she sees a cup of coffee labeled Meg. She grabs it and drinks it she confused Because it's made her favorite way. With hazelnut creamer and a ton of sugar. She smiles and drinks her coffee. She finishes her coffee and pops a mint in her mouth so she has good breath for sealing deals. Then someone puts the box in the ground and she appears. She does about 30 deals that day. Then the next one will be her last for the night. Meg sits and waits for the last person then she thinks about how Crowley woke her up. He called her sleeping beauty. Meg never had nicknames from anyone so she liked that Crowley gave her one. The last person put there box in the ground. So she appeared as always "hello" she says with a smirk." The guy who looked to be maybe in his like 40's he had a good build he looked strong. Walks over to Meg before she notices what happening she is put in demon handcuffs. The guys kicks Meg and she falls to the ground. The guy then says "Your deals killed my friend so now I'm gonna kill you." Meg looked kind of scared and said "you can't kill demons. The guy smiled and pulls out a demon blade then says "I wouldn't be so sure you evil bitch." "Where did you get that" she said in a shaky voice. They guy gave a terrible grin and said "my pals the Winchester's I told them I had a demon problem and they gave me the blade and the cuffs right away." He takes the blade and cuts Meg deep in the stomach then he moves to her face and cuts her cheek deep to. Meg lays there and screams but no one can here her. Meg feels him cutting deeper and deeper into her stomach. She's bleeding and screaming a lot. All of a sudden the guy is thrown across the sky and slams into a tree he is killed on impact. She looks around but everything is blurry. She eventually passes out.

—————————1 hour later—————————

Meg wakes up and is still in a lot of pain. She goes to feel her wound but realized someone gave her stitches and a patch to cover it. And she had a bandage on her cheek. She looks around to see she's back in hell in her bed. She tries to stand but she hurts to bad. She almost falls to the floor when Crowley runs in and catches her an puts her back on the bed. Crowley smiles and says "hey sleeping beauty just where do you think your going." Meg smiles and says "I'm going to that movie marathon I promised Castiel I would go I'm already late." She tries to stand again and this time she can hold herself up. Then Crowley smiles and says "fine you go can but I'm going to you can barely stand I'm not letting you hurt yourself worse." Meg smiles and nods. Crowley snaps his fingers and Meg is in her favorite pjs. Meg smiles. Crowley snaps his fingers again and there at the bunker. Castiel sees Megs condition and runs to her "Meg what happened" he says concerned with made Sam and Dean get up and walk towards her to. She smiles and says "hey Winchester's remember when you gave your friend the demon knife and cuffs well thanks for that." Dean quickly response with "we didn't know it was you sorry how are you even alive he was pretty determined?" Crowley smiles and says "I saved her." Dean and Cas look at each other confused. Then Sam just laughs while looking at Crowley. Crowley gives him a look and he stops laughing. Then Crowley says "anyways we're here for the movie marathon" none of them ask why Crowley came but Sam new he didn't wanna leave Megs side." Cas nods and smiles. Crowley takes the demon blade from his jacket pocket and hands it to dean and says "sorry for your loss" Dean looks surprised and says "you killed him" Crowley nods and says "he was gonna kill Meg and last time I checked you were friends so show some appreciation squirrel." Dean glared at him and sat on the couch with cas who was looking for movies. Sam smiled at Crowley before also sitting on the couch. Meg didn't try to move yet and smiled and Crowley and said "thanks for saving my life." Crowley smiles back and nods. Meg then tried to walk but could barely so Crowley put his arm around her and helped her to the couch with no one on it. Sam looked at Crowley again and Crowley used his free hand to flip Sam off. Crowley put meg on the couch so she could be comfortable and he sat next to her. They all designed the order of movies to watch by who picks them the order goes Castiel,Sam,Crowley,Meg, Dean. Castiel chose the movie The Bee Movie. Before they start the movie Dean says "okay we made snack run earlier to get our snacks so if you want any snacks you gotta like use your powers or whatever." Meg sighs as she doesn't wanna use her powers Because she's in such pain. Crowley looks at her and says "what snacks do you want sleeping beauty." She laughs and says "um how about some gummy worms." Crowley laughs to and says "okay but we're sharing." She nods as Crowley snaps his fingers and to bags of gummy worms. Sam smirks at Crowley and says "sleeping beauty?" Crowley tries to laugh it off and says "I call her that because sleeps all the time." Meg laughs and says " it's true." Sam gives Crowley a look and Crowley turns away. Dean sits back down with Castiel and he's practically laying on Dean while eating M&MS.
Sam sits back down on the Sam couch as Dean and cas that way Crowley and Meg had a couch to themselves. Sam pulls out his phone and says a text message to Castiel and Dean saying

Watch Crowley try to flirt with Meg its really funny just pay attention to them during the movie. 😂

Dean and Castiel look at Sam and nod. Sam smiles and looks at the tv. Castiel presses play on his movie. Crowley looks over at Meg who is trying her hardest to open the gummy worms. Then says "Need some help there." She laughs then hands him the bag of candy he opens right way and Meg opens her mouth in shock. Crowley laughs and says "there you go sleeping beauty" Sam, Dean and Castiel watch this happen and laugh. They all start to watch the movie when someone tries to kill a bee in one of the scenes Castiel leans up and yells "your are horrible person I hope you burn in hell bees don't do anything wrong there helpful." Every one laughs and Dean says "Cas it's just a movie lay back down please." Castiel does as he's told and puts his head on dean's chest. Meg moves lower on the couch so she can take some stress of her body but for her to do that she has to lay closer to Crowley. Crowley notices this and smiles. They finish the bee movie and Sam chooses a documentary. Everyone groans and Crowley slowly moves closer to Meg. They watch Sams documentary he chose then it's Crowleys turn. They decided Meg doesn't get a turn Because she was gonna chose a movie but Crowley chose it to. So they watch The conjuring. Dean had to hold Castiels hand the whole movie Because he was so scared. However Crowley and Meg laughed durning the whole movie especially the Death scenes. Witch scarred everyone else a little bit. They finished the movie and while dean was looking for a movie Meg was getting super tired. She could barely keep her eyes open. By the time Dean found a movie Meg was asleep her head on Crowleys shoulder. Crowley look at her and smiled and said "goodnight sleeping beauty." Everyone looked at Crowley with a smile. Crowley then whispered "Don't start I'm not into Meg I'm just being nice." They all rolled there eyes. Then Crowley used is powers to take the blanket of Dean and Castiel so he didn't have to get up. Dean was gonna say something then he realized what Crowley was doing. Crowley took the blanket and wrapped it around me and meg snuggled her face into it. Witch made Crowley smile. Dean chose some western movie and they all started to watch then Crowley started to fall asleep. He was tired he did a lot of work today and he had been nervous about meg ever since what happened at the crossroads she would have died if he wasn't there. Crowley then fell asleep his chin resting on Megs head. Sam took out his phone and took a picture. Then Dean whispered "send me that picture." Crowley woke up quickly and whispered "devils trap me now ." Sam and Dean locked at each other confused but did as told. Dean looks at Crowley after securing the trap and says "okay I'll bite why you make us devil trap." Crowley then says "my mother is going to summon me but I'll be forced to move witch will wake sleeping beauty and her stitches hurt so I don't wanna stress her out." Dean nodded then Sam said "how cute Crowley." Crowley flipped off Sam. Then Crowley said "okay it's been a few minutes the spell failed since I'm here so break the trap so I can bring Meg back to hell." Sam breaks the trap and says "okay see ya Crowley have fun with your girlfriend." Crowley death stares him then turns to Meg to say "hey sleeping beauty we're gonna go back to hell okay." Meg was till half asleep and nodded she stood up but her stitches her so she barely could. Crowley wrapped his arm around her agin and they disappeared. They were in the dungeon where Crowley carefully but Meg on here bed he covered her with the blankets and moved the hair out of her face. Then Crowley said "sweet dreams sleeping beauty." Then he disappeared to where his mother was "hello mother" he says as he arrived. "Fergus" she says in her beautiful Scottish accent. "It's Crowley" he said rather annoyed. She looks at him also annoyed and says "no it's not my boy."

The Queen Of HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora