What am i doing?

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Crowley continues his work as Meg is asleep in his bed. Then he starts to think what the hell am I doing? He doesn't know why he's being so nice to Meg. The last time he was this nice to anyone really he was when he was still human. Crowley then appears in the bunker and sees Castiel cleaning up after last nights party. "Hello  Castiel where is moose and squirrel?" He said with a grin. Castiel smiles and says "Sams when out for food and Dean is upstairs asleep." Crowley thinks if he tries to talk to Dean about this or Castiel they will just laugh at him. So he decides Sam is the best option. "When will moose me back." Crowley says looking at then mess everywhere. Castiel continues cleaning and says "Sam should be back soon." Crowley sits in the kitchen and helps him self to some scotch that's on the counter. He sits in silence as he drinks and thinks about the way he has been treating Meg. Then the bunker door opens and Sam walks down the stairs. "Hey moose got a minute." Crowley says with a little grin. Sam nods and puts the food on the table. They walk into the library.  Sam sits down on a chair and Crowley sits next to him. "So what's this about Crowley." Sam says before drinking his water.
Crowley loos over at Sam kind of nervously and says "I don't know what happening to me everyone Meg and me hate each other but lately I just can't even be rude to her." Sam laughed a little bit and said "Crowley I think you like her more then lead on." "No I don't" Crowley said in a sharp tone. Sam laughed again and smirked. Then he said "I don't know if I believe you considering you practically carried her to her room last night then covered her with the blankets and stayed with her all night then when you left early this morning you told me to keep an eye on her so you definitely care Crowley." Crowley was shocked by how much Sam knew. He started to think "do I actually like Meg masters the demon who tries to double cross me every day." Then Sam smiled and said "where is Meg anyway is she at the cross roads?" Crowley shook his head and said "she's sleeping" Crowley didn't wanna tell Sam where she was sleeping because Sam would never let it go. All of a sudden one of Crowleys demons appeared. "What do you want" Crowley said angrily. The demon looked a little scared of Crowley then said "I just wanted to tell you meg is sleeping in your bed." Before Crowley could say anything Sam was hysterically laughing. Crowley got angrier by the minute and yelled "I'm will deal with it myself don't wake her up." The demon nodded and disappeared. Sam was still laughing when he said "that's funny let me guess your gonna tell me she just fell asleep there right?"
Crowley sighed and said "shut up moose I honestly don't know how she got there." Sam n. Crowley couldn't believe that demon just came in and told him private hell business in front of Winchester. He snapped his fingers and was back in hell. The demon who said the about Meg in front of Sam Crowley took a demon blade and stabbed him witch obviously kill him. Crowley smiles at the other demons who watched and says "don't talk about hell business in front of Winchester's or angels."
Crowley then walked to his bed room. Meg was still asleep. Crowley didn't want to wake her but he had to because the demons are getting suspicious. He walk over to Meg who like quiet beautiful and peaceful. Then he said quietly "Meg you gotta get up." He slightly touches her shoulder. Megs eyes pop open and she sees Crowley standing in front of her. "How did I get here." She says in a sleepy voice. Crowley smiles and says "well you were going to sleep in the dungeon but the place to sleep there is covered in blood and bones, so I moved you to my room to take your little nap." Meg smiles and said "thanks Crowley." She gets up she's still wearing the normal clothes and she says hey last night at the party Clarence asked me if I would go to there movie Marathon thing tomorrow night is it okay if I go?" She only asked Because she didn't want to piss of Crowley by just going like she did for the party.
Crowley smiles and says "yea you can go but your doing a lot of work durning the day tomorrow then." Meg smiles and nods. She walks out of Crowleys bed room and toward the dungeon. As she walks out she runs into one of the demons that are stronger then her. So why were you sleeping in Crowleys bed." One says with a smirk. "I got drunk and I passed out there I guess." Meg said with a frown. She didn't really want the other demons to know because it could bring down Crowleys reputation in hell as there king. So she walked down the hall the rest of the way to the dungeon. She walked in and sees a nice clean bed. She walked over to it and sees there's a note on it she reads it

Dear Meg, I thought you should have a nice place to sleep one without blood one without bones hope you enjoy

Sincerely- Crowley

Meg smiled from ear to ear. She didn't know why Crowley was being so nice to her but she kinda liked someone caring about her a little bit. She took the note and put in her pocket then fell asleep on her new bed. Crowley looked through the dungeons doors one last time before going to sleep. He wanted to see meg sleeping peacefully. Then he continued walking to his room then he went to sleep.

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