Crack... chapter 9

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Russia is fascinated at the fact that Phil can't feel any emotion including pain.....
Don't go thinking that Russia is a nice person just because he didn't do anything ........... To Philip. Actually Russia wants to help Philip learn emotion emotion not emotions he only wants Phil to feel pain...... Then again he can beat up Phil whenever Because phil won't budge.

He doesn't plan on killing Philip. As the Report says. Phil doesent attack or Kill if you beat him up but if you plan to kill him then..... That's a different story. If You say or come at Phil with a weapon and try to hurt him on the heart or Stomach that's when he'll get a knife or something sharp to kill you.

Phil is kinda innocent. Quiet but deadly. Russia just plans on hurting Phil once more and maybe if he feels like it he'll do it again. But Russia wants to hear screaming not just see someone hurt so Badly. Now it's another day of school. Monday the day everyone hates.......

In the Russian household at Breakfast. The four are there just Eating. While Laughing a bit. "I guess you ain't a coward after all big bro" Belarus says. Russia gets irritated with Belarus and Russia throws a knife at Belarus but Belarus avoids it by tilting her neck. yes throwing knifes at eachother is a normal occurrance in their house.

While with the Asian family. Everyone is eating peacefully at their long ass table that fits 40+ people including Asean. And they are all ready for school they just have to eat their breakfast. As usual Phil eats only a bit and he gives the rest of his food to Malay or to his other Brothers. "So did Russia do anything wierd to you Phil?" South asks "did he hurt you?" Sri Lanka asks.

"No he didn't he just *tells what Russia did and he did*"  Everyone either spits out their food or chokes on their food. They know Phil would just say those stuff in the open because he doesn't give a crap. "And now I know what gay means" Phil says. And the others laugh.

"W-wait Phil you just learned that Yesterday?" Brunei asks. And Phil answers yes. They laugh harder. "Why are you all Laughing?" Phil asks and does the tilt head thing. "Hahahahhah no it's just funny that you just learned that word especially when you go saying stuff like those" Vietnam says. The other nod. "What stuff like you a-" Phil gets shut up by China and North covering Phil's mouth.

"Yes like those sick and offensive burns now stop saying those stuff" China says. "Y know I get jealous Phil" China says and hugs Phil. Malay and some cheer AYIEEEEEEEEE. While some are like ಠಗಠ. They either like Phil or just hate the corniness. Yes Phil might be different and not like the sunshine boii everyone knows and loves. But Phil is special. He takes care of others and forgets about himself. That's one thing to admire.

And even though he's quiet and doesent feel anything. He is pretty nice and helpful. And Phil is so cute (◍•ᴗ•◍) and a sava-. But even so, Phil has some Characteristics that are good and is why some of his Adopted brothers like him.
Phil tends to talk to his brothers when they're sad and tries to cheer them up.
Phil really is good person although he doesn't smile and sometimes look creepy as heck just staring at you.

Now they're at school. And again Phil is being stared at and whispers can be heard through the halls. They're Laughing at Phil and they're crumpling pieces of paper. Phil just stare at them blank as usual. Just when Phil turned around to his locker he got thrown a million of papers and someone put a note on his back.

And ofcourse it says 'kick me' then Phil gets kicked on the back by America and his face hits his locker which gave him a small bruise. Everyone is Laughing at Phil and saying he's pathetic and wierd. Spain and Japan is just watching not making any comments. They could be emotionsless sometimes but they feel anger and they can taste food. This is pretty evil and Phil can't do anything. He can't even cry about this because he can't feel anything.

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