Chapter 1

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A cold gust of wind blew in and was quickly shut off as the figure walked into the tavern, closing the door behind him. None but the barkeeper looked up.
He wore a long leaf green cloak with a heavy hood covering his face in shadow. The hands were mostly hidden by fingerless gloves, but if the rest of the hands looked like the fingers then,well, this guy had a lot of scars.
The thing that stood out most about the man (who was little more than a boy really) were the weapons he wore. A a long dirk and shorter throwing knife were sheathed in the belt at the right hip, making them easily accessible for any sudden danger.There was a massive recurve bow slung over his shoulder with a quiver of arrows. And, as the tavern keeper looked closer he saw a double scabbard on beneath the quiver on his back which probably contained two long curved sabres.
Long riding boots with soft brown breaches with a simple tunic finished off the appearance.
This, the tavern thought, could only mean trouble.The man walked right up to the bar. "I'll have one ale.Is there dinner?" The voice was low; cool and modulated."Yes," the barkeeper hastily replied,"I'll have it brought over as soon as possible."
"That would be much appreciated."came the voice, perhaps with a hint of a smile to it.He reached down and pushed two silver coins across the counter. "Keep the change."
He turned, his cloak swirling and made his way over to a table in the corner of the tavern, where he sat down.And, although he was inside and also near a fire, the cowl of his cloak remained up, and his face remained in shadow.

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