Chapter 7

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Zena looked at herself in the mirror and her mouth opened in horror. "What have you done to me?"
Beatriz just smiled and continued brushing her hair. "I've just made you look civilised." After a night of combing, cleaning and new clothes they were finally done. Beatriz looked lovely in red dyed leather riding boots, hazelnut brown breeches and a scarlet tunic. She had left her hair down. Zena looked beautiful too. She had her normal deerskin riding boots on, but her the rest of it was new. Leaf green breaches, and a light green long sleeve tunic covered by a sleeveless turquoise jerkin. After it was combed, two strands of her hair had been intricately woven (by Beatriz) around her head, so that it looked like a crown.
"Scrap it. I'm not going on this stupid date.I don't look anywhere near pretty."
"Whoah. I didn't spend all night combing your hair and spend a fortune on new clothes for you just for you to back out of this." Beatriz exclaimed.
"Really? How much did you spend on me?" Zena was said anxiously, hoping that her friend hadn't spent too much on her.
"Oh loads. I can't remember how much now." Beatriz said airily, with her fingers crossed behind her back. As Zena went back to the mirror, Beatriz muttered "Yeah I had to bat my eyelashes and show off my figure at least twice before he let me have half-price."
"Okay." said Zena.
"What?" Beatriz shook her head and asked her to repeat what she just said.
"Okay. I'll come." Beatriz let out a shriek of joy and Zena held up a finger to silence her. "But I'm taking my bow. And I will shoot him if he tries to do anything. That's a promise."
"Darling," Beatriz smiled triumphantly "you are not going to regret this."
"On one condition." Zena said while rolling her eyes.
"Which is....."
"You take that superior smile off your face."

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