Chapter 3

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The girl looked around the tavern, her storm grey eyes daring anyone who to say something.The room remained silent. The girl clenched her jaw and walked quickly out of the door. Outside she took a breath of the cool air to call her thoughts. How dare they reveal her true identity! She took another deep breath and then let out a long piercing whistle. She waited a few seconds then tried again.
"If he doesn't get here very, very soon I will not be happy." she muttered to herself.She poised her lips as if to try again, but then the sound of hoofs on cobbles came echoing down the road, quickly followed by the horse they belonged to. He neighed and shook his mane as if telling her to get on. "Where were you?"she said to the stallion.He swished his tail as if he was shaking his head. "Me?"she sighed,
"More trouble with the kind King's soldiers.They're everywhere now; even the small villages like this.Anyway I saw you try and change the subject.Where were you?"
He whisked his tail again."Huh."she gave a little snort of amusement. "Fine, keep your secrets." She tried to say it angrily, but a little smile crept on to her face as she swung herself up into the saddle. "Come on you." she said still smiling. The moonlight shone on her face and she felt a twist inside her her stomach and a longing in her heart.
"Let's go home." Then she kicked her stallion in the side to send him galloping off into the night.

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