Chapter 6

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Later, as the girls lay side by side watching the stars, Beatriz rolled over onto her stomach and grinned at Zena.
"What?" Zena sat up looking suspiciously at Beatriz. "Bee what have you done now?"
"Well.... There's this gorgeous boy that I met the other day."
"Whew" Zena let out a sigh of relief, and lay back down.
"Well I told him about you..."
"Yes" Zena replied slowly, suspicion creeping back into her voice.
"Well I sort of toldhimthatyouwouldmeetupwithhim.Today." Beatriz gushed quickly.
"You did what?!" Zena shouted, sitting bolt upright."Why?!! You absolute idiot!" Beatriz burst out laughing.
"It's like you're scared of boys! C'mon it'll be fun I'm gonna be there too. It's a double date! That's why I bought an outfit for me and one for you, and am coming back to your house to drag you to that date if I have to."
Zena looked at her with one eyebrow raised. "I guess I don't have a say in this."
"Never have, never will." Beatriz smirked. "Oh and Zee?"
"What Bee?" Zena said with her eyes narrowed.
"I brought my comb."

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