Chapter 2

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The tavern door swung open and five drunken soldiers lurched inside laughing and shouting raucously. They stumbled past the man in the corner, towards the bar."We'll have five ales
please."one of them slurred.
"Perhaps you've had enough ale for tonight gentlemen." the barkeeper replied looking anxiously at the long, straight swords at the soldiers' hips.
"Or," one of them said "Maybe we would like what we asked for." His voice was dangerously low as he pulled his sword from its scabbard.The people inside the tavern could sense the tension in the air. These men, these 'Kings' Soldiers, protectors of the good' were looking for a fight.Although they were drunk these men were still extremely dangerous.
"Gentlemen, gentlemen please. There's no need for that."the tavern keeper stuttered.
"Yes." came the low voice,"I quite agree."All the soldiers spun round in astonishment.The hooded stranger had moved across the room and was now stood silently behind them."Ooohh," the one with the sword said.
"Someone help me . This big, bad stranger's gonna shoot me with his big, bad bow."
He never knew what hit him. The stranger was lightning fast a he smacked the man with a flat hand punch to the jaw and sent him sprawling over the bar unconscious. As the next three men came at him, he drew the throwing knife from his belt. He slammed the hilt down on the first soldier's head, then dropped to the floor , sweeping his leg round to catch the ankle of the other man. The man yelped as his legs were pulled out from underneath him and he crashed to the floor. The stranger quickly regained his feet, punched the fourth man in the nose with his left hand and finished him off with a right hook to the jaw.
Meanwhile the last soldier was still standing at the bar.From the ribbons on his arm, the stranger judged, this last man was their leader and therefore may be more skilled in combat than the rest.The man drew his sword."Lets see how good you are with your sword, hmmm?" The stranger drew his sabres from his back, and started towards the man. The soldier's sword was longer, but the stranger was more agile. Suddenly the soldier leapt forwards and tried to jab with his sword at the stranger.The stranger darted to the left and used his right sabre to flick the other man's sword out of his grasp and use the hilt of his left to slam into the side of the soldier's head.
But, as the sword had been flicked out of reach it had caught on the stranger's hood, flicking it down so that everyone could see the face of the owner.
He was a she.
This warrior was a girl.

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