Chapter 8

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It is common knowledge that shifters need very little sleep (if you were wondering why the girls weren't tired)

The girls knew it would take all day to get to the village they were meeting the boys at, so they set off early in the morning to be there in time for an evening meal. Riding side by side, they had plenty of time to talk. "So what's he like? Your current boyfriend?" Zena asked. "Oh he's.. he's perfect. He has shortish black hair and big brown eyes. And he's so funny. And intelligent." replied Beatriz dreamily.
"And what about - Stan is it? What's he like?" Zena still wasn't sure about the date.
"Oh he's.... erm..... perfect for you. He's really tall with fuzzy short brown hair and..really, really big eyes.....and...erm....." Beatriz hesitated "Oh look there's a village." She cantered off towards it. Zena raised one eyebrow, rolled her eyes and caught up with her.
"You know, you never were very good at riding." Zena smirked at her friend while keeping pace with her easily. Beatriz eventually slowed her grey mare down to a walk, and Zena followed. "Okay. I still don't think this is a good idea, but I'll do it for your sake. But, what does this Stan know about me?"
Probably that you're mild hearted, kind and sweet, and that you like to stay at home and do the housework. Basically, a pack of lies. Almata snorted with amusement at his own joke, then went back to his conversation with Beatriz's horse. Zena snorted with laughter, but Beatriz just raised her eyebrows. "You should keep your horse in check more. Just because we're shifters and can communicate, doesn't mean that we don't own them. My mare would never answer back to me." Zena looked at her with mild surprise, but let the matter drop. They were here to have a good time, not an argument. Although, Zena didn't own Almata. He could ride off whenever he wanted to. He chose to stay, as her friend and equal. Zena cleared her head and looked up.
"So? You still haven't answered my question. What does he know about me?"
"Well...." Beatriz looked sheepish. "I told him that you were pretty, that you lived in the woods with me ( we don't want him thinking you're a loner) and..."
"Yes?" Zena said stonily.
" I sort of toldhimthatyouwereashifter.."
"Sort of?" Zena growled. "So I'm gonna be sitting at a table with a guy who knows that I'm half wolf? Great!"
"Hey it'll be fine." reassured Beatriz. "He took the news well."
"Okay." said Zena doubtfully.
They rode in silence for a while until Zena spotted another village. It was the one that they were meeting the boys at.
Zena nervously took a deep breath. This was it.

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