~5~ ( edited)

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Ohkk so  I am loving  the response and u know  the funniest part is I have more comments than votes see So I would  request  to all my silent  readers to at least vote

And Those who voting commenting I love u very much ur support  encourage me write more So just shower ur support like this only I love u all very much

Long update So do long comments and a emotional one so make sure u have tissue  in ur hand

Do votes and comments

Inline comments are my favourite

Manik got ready, and they both came downstairs to find Dadi sitting with Ayaan while Nyonika was in the kitchen. Nandini went into the kitchen, while Manik took a seat at the dining table. Normally, when Manik came downstairs, he would talk to Dadi, and she would engage in conversation with him. However, today was different; they didn't exchange a word.

Dadi (in her mind): Today, my Mannu didn't even talk to me. It's all because of that girl. I wonder what time she will choose to get Mannu married to her.

Manik (in his mind): Dadi, I'm sorry for ignoring you, but you should also understand that you can't always blame Nandini.

Ayaan: Manik, there's an important meeting at the office today. Do you remember?

Manik: Dad, can you please attend the meeting for me?

Ayaan: Are you going somewhere?

Manik: Yes, Dad. Nandini and I are going to the doctor.

Ayaan, understanding the situation, nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, breakfast was served, and they began eating. After breakfast, Ayaan left for the office, while Dadi went to her room without acknowledging their presence.

Nyonika: How long until your appointment, kids?

Nandini: Mom, it's in half an hour.

Nyonika: Then you should leave now. There might be traffic on the way.

Manik: Yes, Mom. We're just about to leave. I'll grab my keys and wallet, and he left from there.

Nyonika: Nandini, my child, don't worry. It's just a normal checkup. Don't let negative thoughts fill your mind.

Nandini: Yes, Mom. Manik was also saying the same thing, that everything will be fine.

Nyonika: Then why the gloomy face?

Nandini: Mom, I'm just scared, what if...

Nyonika: Shh... Don't entertain such negative thoughts. Everything will be alright. You'll see, soon you will become a mother.

Nandini: Yes, Mom.

Nyonika smiled, and Nandini smiled back.

Nandini: I love you, Mom.

Nyonika: I love you too, my child, and she kissed Nandini's forehead.

Manik witnessed this loving exchange between them and smiled, feeling happy to see them together.

Manik: Nandini, let's go.

Nandini: Yes.

Nyonika: Go peacefully, my children, and Manik, drive slowly.

Manik: Okay, Mom.

With that, they both left, embarking on their journey to the hospital. The journey was silent, but their hearts were filled with prayers, hoping that everything would go well.

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