Chapter 9: Deny or Confess

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The groups still have two days to complete their mission. They now only need to help in the city for two more days. The girls and boys of Le Meilleur are divided into sleeping places. Residents have offered their house to give the musketeers a place to sleep. Michelle, Shasmine, Joyce, Matt, Liam and Chris are classified together and Denise, Sylvana, Flynn, Sam and 2 other musketeers are classified together. Les Fantastiques and Le Meilleur arrive at the houses and see that the houses happen to be next to each other and in the same area. Joyce and Sam ring the bell at the same time. The doors open and there are 2 young men at the door. Shasmine, Michelle, Joyce, Matt, Liam and Chris go in and the others do too. The boy says 'Hi I am...' 'Gabe!!' Michelle calls out. Shasmine looks surprised and says 'oh my god Gabriel Vaillanti, it  is really you!!' Gabe looks at the girls from head to toe and says 'Michelle, Shasmine wait do you know each other??' The girls nods.

Joyce  takes a step forward, tosses her hair back and then says 'hi, I'm Joyce  Dolan

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Joyce takes a step forward, tosses her hair back and then says 'hi, I'm Joyce Dolan. I am a musketeer and I am on the team with those two, they already know you and I want to get to know you too' and she winks. Gabe looks at her strangely and pushes her aside. He says they are welcome in his house and should feel at home. He also says that they will catch up later because he has to work now and therefore has no time. The girls and the boys walk upstairs to the rooms. Shasmine stops and lets the other pass and then she stops Michelle. 'How do you know Gabe from??' she asks. Michelle sighs and says 'well I lived in Sperare too remember? He used to stop by my mom's cafe and that's how I know him' Shasmine thinks about Gabe, Café, Café, Gabe. 'What's your mom's cafe called?' Shasmine asks doubtfully. "thé plein d'espoir" (tea full of hope in French) Why??' Michelle asks back. Shasmine says she has worked there for a long time since things were going badly at home for her but the two have never seen each other before. Michelle's mother always talked about her daughter, but she really had no idea. 'Are you guys still coming??' Joyce calls from above. Michelle and Shasmine go upstairs and Shasmine says 'Wow the world is really small' and they both start laughing. There are two rooms and they are divided into Boys and girls. Shasmine is going to take a look at the boys to see how it goes. She says hey and all 3 turn around. 'Hey how's your room??' Matt asks 'ours badly!! This is not a room, even my house is bigger than this and then I have to share it with these idiots. Sorry pals nothing personal but I mean' Shasmine starts to laugh and tells him not to act like that. Liam is struggling with his bed. It has to be put together but he has no idea how these Rich Boys are not used to this. Shasmine just wants to walk away and hears 'ah shit, come on, you asshole!!' Shasmine walks back and sits down next to him, she takes the pieces from his hands and helps him. He looks surprised because they haven't talked all week. She did not say anything to him and he did not want to cause any problems, so he kept his mouth shut. Liam looks at her and she smiles. Matt looks proudly at them and wants to leave them alone, he goes away and pulls Chris with him not that Chris agrees but he doesn't really have a choice. 'It's okay to talk to me.' says Shasmine. Liam laughs. 'You probably think of what does this girl want? at first no then suddenly yes but I don't care anymore, I don't want to know you must have your reasons, I have that too. No one is perfect, not even handsome rich guys like you.' Liam laughs again but he is still silent. The bed is ready and Shasmine says done you're welcome. She just wants to walk away but is then stopped by Liam. 'My father wants everything his way and always wants to be in charge, so he's one of the bosses of the Musketeers. He wants to control everything even my life. I have to do things that I don't want to do and I have to listen to him because yeah it's my dad but I don't care. It is my life and because I want to be in charge, I sometimes react a little too much to others because I do not want to ruin their life. This all sounds so sudden and so dramatic I know. I'll explain it all to you once and why I became a musketeer because that was not really my choice but what you should know now is that I don't just go to some girl to ask her on a date, I wait for something special a spark or a sign or something no idea and I feel that with you every time I look at you. I prefer to keep it to myself, but now I finally have the chance to tell you so I take it too. Again I'm sorry, you and Les Fantastiques girls are good friends of ours and I'd like to keep it that way. You are a great girl sometimes too stubborn but great or as you would say Fantastic.' Shasmine laughs 'Thank you, you are a little bit fantastic too.' she says. 'A little!!' Liam calls out laughing. 'Okay Okay maybe a little more than a little.' Shasmine says with a laugh. Liam slowly looks up and says 'so is it good between us again??' Shasmine nods and hugs him. When she retreats, the two look deep into each other's eyes again, just like when they first met. Liam leans forward and goes for a kiss, but just then Joyce enters. 'Hey!! Come on, we are going to eat something because we have to get to work on the market. ' Shasmine nods very awkward and Liam says annoyed that they are coming. Joyce walks away, Shasmine looks behind Liam and then follows her. 'how did it go with the bed, did it work?' Matt says slyly. 'The bed is together.' Liam says convincingly, and looks at Shasmine. Matt gives Liam a box of so well-done. 'So are we going to eat? because I'm starvingg!!' Chris says. 'Always!!' Liam says laughing. And they all walk away. In the restaurant, Les Fantastiques and Le Meilleur are reunited with the other members. After dinner it is really time to start working.

The girls and the boys are on the market. The two of them are standing behind a stall. Chris and Matt, Liam and Flynn, Michelle and Denise, Joyce and Sylvana and Shasmine and Sam. 'So now all of a sudden you're bffs.' Chris asks Matt in a sarcastic tone. Matt doesn't understand what he's talking about and asks. 'Shasmine and you, every time there was a fight and we had to take you apart and now suddenly you are best friends or something.' explains Chris. 'What?? What do you all pay attention to ?? It is better , not so whine man. We're just sort of colleagues or something,' says Matt. Chris wants to say something but Matt interrupts and says they are here for a mission not for personal feelings. Chris is shocked and says 'Huh?? Feelings?? Which Feelings?? you know what never mind, but I will continue with this crazy mission that is not really a mission but good.' says Chris. 'What's wrong with him?? Did he get out of bed with the wrong leg??' Flynn asks Liam who just saw Chris whine. 'No idea what's wrong with him, he's been like this since afternoon. Maybe someone should ask him. I can do it.' says Liam. Flynn doubts 'uhm yeah can' 'So you and Michelle??' Shasmine asks Sam. 'are you really a couple or not yet??' 'No, Michelle and I are just very good friends.' Sam says convincingly. 'Okay if you say so but Michelle knows that too.' Shasmine says a bit confused. Sam mumbles no idea and Shasmine leaves it there before he saying things that anger her. 'So that guy the one I'm staying with now, he's so handsome!! And I had seen him before at the Musketeer ball, we even danced!! I knew it was going to be something!! This is a sign!! I sleep in his house realize that!! Oh did I mention his name is Thom, actually Thomas, Thomas Vaillanti' Denise says hysterically 'yeah you've told that so many times, yeah. Wait you said Vaillanti??' Michelle asks curiously. Denise gives a stalky answer 'yeahh I said that, pay attention, did I mention that he has a brother that he is not very proud of, no idea why. He said it wasn't important' 'Gabe!! That's his brother, we're staying with him. That's an old friend of mine and coincidentally also Shasmine's. Now stop talking about your hottie and go to work!!' 'Are you going to do anything?' Sylvana asks Joyce. 'Yeah I'm already doing something, I'm telling you what to do. Do you know how hard that work is?? So chop chop!! Joyce says 'Ughhh!! I'm not even going to argue with you!!' Sylvana says irritated 'Fine!!' Joyce laughs.

Everyone is ready and walk home together because it is safer. Chris!! Hey!! What's wrong with you today??' Liam asks while slowing down. Chris stops and says 'uh what is wrong with me then??' Liam pulls a weird face. 'Well you're not really yourself.' Chris says there's nothing wrong, just a little tired. Liam thinks okay but doesn't quite close it. As they walk to the houses, Shasmine hears a noise in an alley. She looks in that direction but she sees nothing. She stops to look better and suddenly she sees someone's shadow in the dark. Liam bumps into her. 'Oh sorry, why are you standing still??' he asks her. Shasmine wakes up with imagination. 'Uhm' She quickly makes up an excuse. 'Me, my shoe is not right. Just walk ahead , I'll catch up with you.' she says. Liam walks on and she sees her chance to slip away. She goes alone because she doesn't want to endanger the rest. Maybe it's her father. 'Where's Shasmine?? Have you seen her??' Chris asks the rest. Liam looks behind her and says 'huh?? She was just here. She told us to go ahead and overtake us.' Chris angrily walks towards Liam and takes his coat. He says angrily 'and you left her alone!! Whut the fuck man!! You know there are people chasing her and this is a dangerous time for us that's why we have to stay together. Why did you leave her alone??' Liam looks disappointed and says 'Fuck!! I thought, I don't know why. At the time I hadn't thought about that okay. Calmly she can take care of herself, I think' Chris looks to the right and sees the alley where Shasmine has gone and says 'I have a bad feeling about this, I'm going to find her!!' Chris has no doubts and runs into the alley. Matt calls out and runs after him and the rest follows. 'My dear beautiful daughter what do you want?? Why are you following me?? To capture me. Then I have a paternal tip for you: that won't work.' laughs Mason.


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