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Fast forward 6 years

Jungkook has now become the strongest wolf in the werewolf dynasty. He's a few weeks from becoming of age to meet his fated mate, but his heart still yearns for the small boy that he once lost.

Jungkook's POV

I walk the hallways of the castle when I pass father's study. I overhear him and eomma talking.

"Seokjin what are we going to do for jungkook's coming of age ball, you think our son would find his fated one?"

"Joonie I do hope he does, he just doesn't seem like himself ever since taehyung went missing.."

My heart drops

My taetae

"I know , but I hope his mate can get his head off him. Have you seen into anyone of your liking that could be the possibility of kook's mate."

"There's this omega boy.. joonie you know who I'm speaking off. He resembles him so much."

With those words I burst into my fathers study. Waiting for eomma to finish.

"Resembles who eomma?"

"No one really.., what brings you here kookie."

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