6.Falling Apart

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Jungkook's POV

I sense my parents startled by my presence.

What are you hiding from me?

They quickly change the conversation into a matter i been dreading the past few years as I start taking a seat.

"Son your coming of age ball. You need you to choose a theme." My appa said to me in an serious tone.

"I don't want a ball, I don't want a mate appa and you know why." I state as my mind starts wondering into something else.

"Son I'm quite aware you don't want one , but it's in our nature and without a mate your wolf would slowly die."  Sadly I nod my head in agreement.

"Masquerade ball" I whisper.

"A masquerade ball it is son" I nod as my attention was on the wall. As I see the crests of all the noble packs.

My eyes land on the Shining Moon crest standing proud above the rest but lower than the royal family's. Blue sapphires decorating the rim of the crest. A voice cuts me off my day dream.

"Son Mrs Kim was looking for you earlier, have gone to see her?" I immediately stand and start walking out of the study,but without turning back to see my eomma looking at me with worry in his eyes.

Why are you looking at me like that...


Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please I would really like to hear some feed back from you. I want to know your thoughts on the story so far. Stay safe  these complicated times and I purple you💜


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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