author's note

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This story is a sequel to my other book, I Know Your Secret, Peter Parker.
If you have not read it, please do not proceed with this story until doing so.


In the first book, only the timeline was based on Spiderman: Homecoming.
Events from the movie were not a part of I Know Your Secret, Peter Parker.

Because of this, Tony Stark did not sell Stark Tower, also referred to as the Avengers Tower, in my version of the story.

Nellie Jenkins moved into Stark Tower at the end of I Know Your Secret, Peter Parker.


This story picks up at the end of Avengers Endgame.

Between the first book and this one, Tony Stark sold Stark Tower during the five years following Avengers Infinity War. . .so, after Thanos wiped out half of the Universe.

Because Peter and Nellie were blipped, they still refer to the tower as Stark Tower, even though it was no longer owned by Tony Stark.

Hi everyone. Long time, no see. I wanted to share this story with you all back in spring, but now summer is coming to a close and it is finally ready to be published. If you remember the first book, then you know that this series focuses more on Peter Parker's and Nellie Jenkins' relationship and navigating through a chaotic life most teenagers could never imagine. This book holds a different tone than the first. I hope you all enjoy it.

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