Potato Boy

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Hi everyone! I don't know if I've ever explained this before but none of my stories are connected unless stated otherwise. Cus lemme tell ya, I support to many ships I can't just pick one. So all of these one shots are separate unless they come in parts. Thank you for reading!
Also just some background: Tony is not Peter's biological dad but May is dead...sorry!

"Peter, Boss is requesting you in the commons kitchen." FRIDAY says dutifully.
"Thanks, FRI." Peter responds while getting up form where he was perched on his bed.
Peter didn't know what to expect as he exited the elevator, but he definitely was not expecting six feet and two inches of absolute hotness. The mystery man takes off his hat and- ohmygod he has dirty blonde hair.
"Uhm. Mr-Mr Stark?" Peter asks and nope his voice definitely did not go up a whole octive. Okay maybe it did but the man is looking at him now and- those eyes, kill me. I'm deceased. Peter's thought are barely coherent at this point but it doesn't even matter because look at those arms- theycouldjustpinmeagainstawall.
"Peter!" Tony calls from his spot making lunch by the stove. "I wanted to introduce you to Harley Keener AKA-"
"Potato boy." Peter says off of reflex. And now Harley is looking at him with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk that should not even be legal. "Ah. Ha, um, I mean."
"So you're just going to tell everyone about the potato gun then old man." Harley retorts, shooting a look towards Tony.
"It was an setting stone for our relationship. Ew wait that sounds like we're dating." Tony says turning back towards the stove. Harley chuckles and turns to face Peter once again.
"And who may you be?" He says in the hottest accent Peter has ever heard.
"P-Parker Peter. Wait-that's not right. Peter Sp- PARKER! I-I'm Peter Parker." The younger teen says with a bright red blush tinting his cheeks.
"Ah. The infamous Spider-Man. Nice to meet ya darlin'." Harley greets with a head tilt in Peter's direction.
"I- wait how? Um." Peter stutters out. How did he know? This is a dream. It has to be a dream there's no way-
"Peter calm down before you have a brain aneurysm." Tony instructs light heartedly. "I told Harley all about you and he knows about your after school activities."
"Oh, okay. Um does he know about the whole...?" Peter gestures just hands trying to portray some kind of story.
"About the time you split the Statin Island Ferry in half? Yeah, I know." Harley confirms with a thick southern drawl.
"Great." Peter says sarcastically.
"And I know about the time you met Iron Man the first time, trying to fight off robots." Harley adds with a chuckle.
"Mr Stark! Is there anything you didn't tell him?" Peter asks accusingly.
"I'll stop telling him stuff when you start calling me Tony." Tony rebuts. Peter sighs disbelievingly and right right right Harley is still in the room.
"Well he didn't tell me that you were this cute in person." Harley flirts and smiles at Peter's darkening blush.
"Hey woah, Back off Harles he isn't even legal." Tony says, pointing the spatulas in his hand accusingly at Harley.
"I'm only 19 and he's 16. Not like I'm having sex with him. Yet." Harley drops a wink in Peter's direction. And if that doesn't make Peter choke on his own spit keep this up, he might end up choking on something else. Shut up brain.
"Ah. Um. Well lucky for you I also go by the title Bider-Man." Peter jokes. Nice one Parker. Mental high five.
"Lucky me indeed. Well since I'm new to the area, I'm going to need a tour guide to show me all the best places to go on dates." Harley says with confidence.
"Is this your way of asking me out, Keener?" Peter questions.
"Maybe? That depends on your answer." Harley responds in equal cockiness.
"We leave tonight at 7:30." Peter says reaching out a hand as if he were making an important business deal.
"It's a date." Harley smiles, shaking the other's hand. Both boys then walk to their respective rooms, leaving Tony standing in shock with a grilled cheese charring in the pan before him.
"What. The. Fu-" he starts but gets a test from Steve.
'language.' It read.
"How-you know what? I give up." He says walking dazedly down to his workshop.

The end.

A little different than some of the other things I've written, this was a little more lighthearted and it was refreshing. But I will never stop whumping Peter Parker. Sorry not sorry! Thanks for reading,

xoxo spiderxmarvel
Word count:795

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