Ch. 2

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Hinata woke up at the loud ring of his alarm clock. He quickly jumped up and turned it off, not wanting to wake up Natsu, and certainly not wanting to wake up the monsters resting a few rooms down. He sighed to himself and read the time. 4:30am..Hinata thought to himself. Hinata didn't remember sleeping last night, he was awfully exhausted. He must have fell asleep at around 3am and went to sleep for an hour. I'll get ready early so Natsu can sleep in. Hinata reassured himself everything would be just fine that day, and nobody would find out.

Hinata entered his bathroom that was conveniently right across from the entrance to his room, he thanked the lord. He carefully locked the door behind him. He let out a sigh of relief and looked in the mirror, seeing blurriness everywhere. "Fuck.." he muttered realizing he had forgotten his glasses in his room. He decided that he wouldn't wear contacts today, unless for practice. I guess I'll just be seeing blurriness for the next 10 minutes. Hinata proceeded to wash his face and brush his teeth, he was feeling lazy today, so he decided to throw on a beanie. He was about to grab some foundation to try and cover up a couple of scars on his face so he wouldn't get weird glances at the training camp when he spotted the razor blade.

"Don't....You promised yourself you wouldn't, Hinata."
"DO IT!"
A voice echoed in his mind telling him to cut...Hinata didn't want to. He felt his hands move on their own as he picked up the razor...lifting up his sleeve to reveal a web of cuts that were dry as Hinata hadn't cut until last Saturday. "Don't do it..." Hinata closed his eyes and gripped the counter. "It makes all your pain go away." The voice echoed throughout his head. "Do it." "Nobody will find out." "Come on...doesn't it make you feel better?" "It's a good pain." Hinata gave in. He surrendered to the foul voices inside of his head telling him to do the awful things to himself that would scar him forever.

A couple cuts later...

Hinata bandaged his arms up and looked at himself in the mirror. He felt a wave of shame wash over him again. But he didn't regret it. The voices were right. It made him feel better. Hinata grabbed the razor on its non-bladed side and walked out of the bathroom. He picked up a blue duffle bag and started stuffing necessities into it. But, for his pills, bandages, his diary, unlocking it from the drawer, and razors, he put them in a medium-sized blue bag that blended in with the rest of the bag. Hinata wasn't stupid. Anybody could find these if he wasn't careful enough. Lastly, he packed a week worth of his contacts and a couple pairs of glasses cleaner and wipes. He looked at the bag, patting it down before nodding his head knowing everything he needed was in it. He then remembered he was gonna bring Natsu. He stuffed a couple of hair ties and outfits that Natsu loved and placed them in her little pink backpack. Hinata didn't have to worry about Natsu going to school, because she was on break right now.

Hinata wiggled Natsu awake. "Natsu, went to go on a trip to big brother's volleyball camp?" Natsu opened her eyes-sparkling with excitement before jumping on the bed quietly because she was all too aware of what would happen if she mad too much noise. (Natsu is now 7 1/2 btw) She couldn't bare the thought of hearing her brother's cries again. "Okay then! Let's go!" Hinata picked Natsu up, handing Natsu her small pink backpack, and carrying his on his back. Hinata hurried out the door fast but carefully, not to make too much noise. Once they left the house and were a reasonable distance away from it, Hinata felt relief throughout his whole body.

Time skip to when they arrived to the bus

"Where is that dumbass." Kageyama said in a worried tone. "Oho, the King's worried?" Tsukishima replied with a shit-eating-grin on his face, his specialty. "Shut the fuck u-" Kageyama got cut off by Hinata shouting from a distance, "sorry I'm late!" Everyone stood in shock. Hinata was wearing a black turtleneck that covered his bruising on his neck, not that they'd were aware of that-with a small white pullover, finishing it off with a pair of glasses and a beige beanie. "Hinata actually has style." Everyone said in unison. But then they saw something else, a little orange haired figure Hinata was carrying.

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