part 16 "date"

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Probably nobody want know how Pawlos is  cleaning that room so meanwhile let's move to Frisk and Chara for a while but that's looking that Frisk already going to go somewhere

Chara's P.O.V

Ch: FriSk WhEr ArE You GoiNG?!

F: You don't need to know that Chara

Ch: So TaKe Me WItH YoUrSelF, YoU Know ThAt I DoN't Like BE AlOnE!

F: Don't worry, I will be back soon (she's closing doors)

Ch: And she gone...HERE'S TOO BORING WITHOUT HER. WHERE SHE EVEN GO?! ... ... ...  Well, she probably won't be angry when I will follow her for a while (smiling)

after leaving, Frisk go in Snowdin direction. When she walking she was smiling strangely, what caused that Chara wanted following her much longer and then Frisk said to herself "I'm interesting what Sans will be wearing on our date that time". Chara's hearing that, she run on her old shortcut to Snowdin what only she and Arsriel know.

Pawlos' P.O.V

S: That was really quick cleaning

Pp: take an example from him

S: Ok

Pp: I am talking serious Sans

S: You don't see? room is already clean, my job is end here

Pp: I expected that you say that, if you finish here then Sans, PICK UP YOUR SOCKED!

S: Ok

Pp: Sans do it now

S: Ok

Pp: I am talking serious Sans, do it now

meanwhile doors have been destroyed by Chara

P: And that's true dragon entrence


S: Yes Chara?


S: Oh shit, I totally forgot, he teleporting

P: Why you said that, would be funny if Frisk come and Sans wouldn't know

Ch: What are you doing here Pawlos?!

P: Heh, finally you notice me

Ch: That's not answer!

P: I live here now

Ch: Are you serious?

P: Totally yes

S: (appearing) I am ready 

Ch: Oh shit, she can't find me here, bye guys

2 minutes later

F: Hey Sans... why doors are destroyed?

S: Long story, I can tell you later

F: Ok

S: Now let's move somewhere  

both disappearing

P: And they gone~ nice

Frisk P.O.V

F: I really thought that you forgot

S: I? Forgot? don't be radiculous, I've never would forgot

F: Last time you forgot

S: I wasn't forgot, I just wanted you to think that way

F: Really?~ so what about last last time and last last last time and last last last last time?

S: I don't remember last last last last time but I remember that last last last time I remembered

F: Oh, is that so, but I remember that I come to you last last last time, you was in your pajama

S: That wasn't pajama, that was halloween costume

F: When I think that way, that really was Halloween that dey

S: You see? I am innocent like always

F: Always?~ but I remember that in last last time you was asleep when I come

S: I was preparing mentally last last time

F: And what about last time? on that time you was drunk

S: you know how ketchup works for me. When I start drinking 3'rd bottle, I can't stop

F: Heh you right, I saw it on my skin on las last last last time

S: What are you mean?

F: Oh, that day (blushing) I can say that you weren't be very gentle 

S: Don't say that in that way because that sound like I've did something... wait you don't mean that I do that?

F: What are mean by saying "do that", you did many things that night (she smiling)

S: Don't play like that, that's really important thing

F: You want listen?

S: Yes!

F:  That day *whisping*

S: It can't be, you are lieing

F: Are you sure about that?

S: ... ... ... .... ... Crap

F: It's nothing but I wasn't expected that our date will be here

S: Nostalgic isn't in?

F: Yes

S: Btw Frisk, do you still remember our promise

F: What promise you mean

S: (pulls a small box out of his pocket and he opening it) Will you make me the happiest skeleton on world and will you marry me?

F: Oh Sans~ Of course (kissing Sans)

Frisk wearing ring

Ring was made of gold and on the center was a heart-shaped ruby. There was engraved inscription "☞⚐☼☜✞☜☼   ✡⚐🕆☼💧" What means "forever yours"

F: I thought that you never say it (she smiling), so when's wedding?

S: I still wasn't planned that 

F: (laughing) that was to be expected from you

S: You right

End of part 16

What are you think Frisk whispered to Sans?

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