part 32 "In the meantime"

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3 hours later

U: Hey Pawlos

P: ...

U: Pawlos!

P: ...five more minutes~...


P: ... *opening eyes* oh, it's you Undyne~...


P: Okey boss~... so what's going on?

U: Don't forget about your commitments and look around, don't forget that your job is law supervision. You can't take your naps whenever you want.

P: Okey boss but Snowdin is quiet place...

U: And what if when you been asleep something happen?

P: it's only a 2% chance that this will happen when I look at my calculations

U: Eh... what should i do with you now~... ... Do your job anyway, I have to do something now.

P: Ok boss.

Undyne went somewhere

P: So let's continue my nap~...

he tried to fell asleep again but that, someone interrupt again.

Pp: Hey Pawlos

P: Oh hey Paps. Eh it's like I won't take a nap

Pp: Then sorry for interrupt you but there's a little problem.

P: What problem you mean?

Pp: You see, there's too few people to clean up after the festival so I thought that you would help.

P: Okey *gets up* I have nothing to do anyway so I don't see any problems with helping some people. So who needs help?

Pp: Follow me then.

P: Ok

Frisk P.O.V

Ch: *leaning against the wall* I see Frisk, thaty you are in a good mood today

F: Yes *trying on some clothes* so what you think about that dress?

Ch: I saw you in that purple dress many times so you know my answer but btw... why are you trying clothes today?

F: I known that you will ask you about that (^^)

Ch: Am I that predictable?

F: Yes *smiling*. It's because we will be soon on surface again so I thought some time what should I wear on that occasion.

Ch: So you was wondering about that thing~

F: Yes, so what you think? Is it a good clothes for that occasion?

Ch: Hmmm~... Let's think... I think that you trying too much, wear your normal clothes.

F: Boring

Ch: Something wrong with that idea?

F: No~... it's not a bad idea but it would be boring...

Ch: So what you wear?

F: I think that I wear anyway my normal clothes. I am feel the best in them.

Ch: Good idea *nods*

F: So you will be wearing in your normal clothes too?

Ch: Of course...

F: How predictable~

Ch: Something wrong with that?

F: No... it's just that, that you always wearing the same clothes

Ch: Is it a problem?

F: No... but... you should try sometimes something new.

Ch: Okey but it's not like I stink so why should I?

F: It's only because mom everynight, when you sleep, is washing your clothes and after that using her powers to make them dry.

Ch: So that's why my clothes smelling nice everyday~

F: Don't tell me that you never notice~

Ch: *blushes from embarrassment*

F: *laughing* Really?

Ch: stop laughing Frisk... it's not funny *blushes more*

F: Sorry... It's just funny that you never notice that

T: *calls from the kitchen* Chara, your pie is ready!

Ch: *calling too* Okey mom, I am going! *to Frisk* We will talk later

F: Ok

Kris P.O.V

K: *playing in Geometry Dash* Yeah... Yeah (95% of map)... a bit more... (hits the spikes on 99%) FUCK!!! *throws the phone against the wall* stupid level~... *he speaks quietly of the thoughts that bother him*

N: Oh... I wan't know that here's another person that me...

K: *jumps back scared* ... ... .. Oh It's just you Napstablook. Sorry, it looks like you scared me~...

N: I wasn't wanted to scare you... my existence bothers everyone... *disappearing*

K: Don't go! It's not like you bothering me

N: *Appearing* Really?...

End of part 32

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