part 18 "prank on Sans"

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After Frisk back to house

Chara P.O.V

Ch: Hey Frisk, where you were?

F: Nowhere, I've been just walking

Ch: Oh, "walking" you say and what's about that ring on your arm?

F: (hides hand) There's no any ring here~

Ch: Is that so~ (coming closer to Frisk and she tickles her) SAY IT!

F: NO!

T: (running to girls) DID SOMEONE TOLD RING?!

Ch: Yes mum, Frisk have new ring and she doesn't want tell from where she got it

T: Frisk~ Show your hand

F: No

T: Why not?~

F: Because I know how will be looking your reaction

Ch: (pulls Frisk's arm out by force) look mum~

T: Frisk~ Who give you that ring

F: ... ... ... Sans

T: How's wonderful~. (hugging Frisk and talking to herself) My little Frisk finally will married~

F: Mum~ stop hugging me~ I am not kid anymore

T: You right but why with Sans?

F: ... (looking away) I like his jokes~...

T: Is that really all?

F: (Sitting on chair) I love his smile, his puns, his character... I love everything with him~...

Ch: You specially said it, aren't am right?

F: Heh, your face is always funny after puns

Ch: (her eyes changing into black and black liquid flows out of them) you will pay for this someday

F: Yes yes, now calm down a little Chara. It's not reason for being angry

T: Frisk have right Chara, that was just a little pun

Ch: Okey mum...

T: But Frisk, you still need some Tu-toriel

Ch: Even you mum! I am out. 

Frisk laughing

T: I am sorry Chara, I couldn't resist~

Chara closing doors from her room

T: Tell me more but first let's make pie~

F: Okey mum

Sans P.O.V

S: Btw, how's with room?

P: I just did a little re-furnishing while you weren't here

S: What have you done?

P: Ah, It's nothing, I've just brought some furnitures. Don't worry, nothing I did with your stuff

S: *sighs* that's good

P: but I wasn't know that you can play on something

S: Heh, I can't resist without my trombone

P: Heh

Pp: Do you want to eat something brother?

S: No thanks, I am not hungry, I just will go to bed~

Pp: Okey then

S: *Teleporting*. (moment later) Weren't you said that you make a little "re-furnishing"

P: (laughing inside) Yes~ I said that~

S: So where are my papers

P: I thought that, that was a trashes~

S: Where did you put them buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal?~

P: Like I said, trashes go trash~

S: *teleporing*

 (not literally)

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 (not literally)

 S: There are not there

P: Are you sure?

S: Yes, I search every trashes. Even that in Waterfall

P: (XD) I've just joking Sans, there are in the lab what is behind the house

S: How you get there?

P: I can teleport too Sans~

S: Did you saw it?

P: Not really, I wasn't looking there that much

S: *sighs* I am going to bed now~, Now nothing will wake me up

P: Good night Sans

S&P: *Teleporting*

S: Why you teleport here too?... oh right, that's your room too~... Good night to you too then.

End of part 18

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