part 20 "error"

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meanwhile in Multiverse (20 days beafore X-Event)

meanwhile in Multiverse (20 days beafore X-Event)

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E*S: Hey Ink. Like we promise I nothing destroy but~... There's now to boring~. Is there any interesting AU?

I*S: Oh Ink~ Do you really started intersting about AU?~ I thought that you only like destroying them~


I*S: *laughing* Sorry, I couldn't resist~, you are so funny Error when you gliching

E*S: ...

I*S: What type of AU you are interested?

E*S: Hmm, is there any Orginal AU?

I*S: What are you mean by saying "orginal"?

E*S: You know what that mean, it mean that there is only one without copys

I*S: I think that this AU will interest you. This is "InfernoTale". This is totally new AU but even I can't interact on this AU

E*S: What are you mean by saying that you can't interact?

I*S: I am wondering about that too. That's first time (=_=), but that probably mean that somebody from there is stronger than us 

E*S: Heh, Stronger than US?! that's the best joke I ever heard

I*S: Then look, normally AU are created on white paper and that AU is created by red paper

E*S: And is that changing something?

I*S: You see, every AU's was created by me, of course except orginal one what's colour of paper is blue but that AU appear from nowhere

E*S: *gliching*

I*S: I see that I must say that easier. I have theory that, that AU was eveloved from orginal but through interaction from somebody strong in that AU

E*S: So you saying that, that AU was that orginal on the start

I*S: Yes, it can be said in that way

E*S: So whos that person?

I*S: I am glad that you ask, I draw him few hours before, look

I*S: I am glad that you ask, I draw him few hours before, look

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E*S: I see that he's not a skeleton

I*S: Yes, he's human


I*S: Yes but I wondering... that first time when I see that person. He wasn't in any other AU...

E*S: I am going visit that AU!

I*S: But you unfortunately can't. I tried few times, but always when I try, I appearing in different AUs, oh I know how to interact, I will send letter to that AU

E*S: And with what that help?

I*S: You will see

meanwhile in InfernoTale

P: *sneezes* another time~ I am becoming popular hehe~... oh, it's just that weird skeleton with big brush. He never will teach, as long as am I here, I don't give anyone permision to get here. (letter appearing) oh, so he send another letter, let's see what he want ask now~... 

after reading

oh, he want to meet me personally~ okey then, that would be a little break for me *teleporting*

back to Ink and Error

Pawlos appearing

P: Hello there Ink, that first time when we meet

End of part 20

No Kris today :)

No Kris today :)

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