part 21 "multiverse"

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P: Hello there Ink, that first time when we meet

E*S: How did you get here?

P: Oh, that was easy, I just create portal

E*S: Portal you saying...?

I*S: We finaly meet (shaking Pawlos' hand). I have thousands questions now.

P: I won't be here that long~ hehe...

I*S: So I ask you about the most important stuff

P: Ok~

I*S: Why I can't get to your universe and why your universe have colour red

P: First, because I banned every interactions from outside, second, I don't fucking know, you are God here, you should know stuff like that

I*S: You have right... so if we have it behind us *throws a notebook*, do you want ask about something too?

P: Yes is there one thing. First stop holding my hand, I am not gay like you.

I*S: Sorry, I forgot, but I am not gay, I am bisexual!~

P: And where you see differents? because I see nowhere

E*S: Right Ink is gay!

P: But no one know if he's gay as long he doesn't start thinking about person with this same gander in that way~

E*S: And what you mean?

P: Completly nothing~ (staring at Error). And second thing, what the fuck is this place?!

I*S: This is multiverse. Here you can find all of AUs, you can even observing them or creating...

E*S: ...Easly destroying...

I*S: Error Stop!

E*S: Ok~ I am out anyway *telepoting somewhere*

P: Why is he gliching like that?

I*S: It's a very long story. You probably wouldn't want know that

P: If you said so~. Tell me about other AUs

I*S: About what AU you want to hear? *showing thousands AUs*

P: Eeeeeeeeee... Why there is that much AU of the same universe? and what the fuck is that genocide, pacifist and neutral run?

I*S: Oh, that's just paths what player use

P: ... ... What's player? that's not game

I*S: Completly nothing you hear *slowly waving his hands in many directions*

P: Eee... okey?!~...

I*S: (memory restart) what we've been talking about?

P: Is he has weak memory? Nothing. I am going anyway, bye *waving hand and disappearing*

I*S: Where's Error btw?, oh there he is~ let's prank him *smiling*

Pawlos P.O.V

P: And my break's came to end~ Nice...

S: Here you've been Pawlos, I've been looking for you everywhere.

P: Hi Sans, what's up

S: Ah nothing, just meeting with Toriel

P: Was it that bad?

S: No, I was expecting worse things

P: So you had much luck today

S: Yeah... too much luck, where you've been btw

P: You know me, I just've been in many places. You should know that I enjoy exploring places on my breaks

S: Heh, you've right. Any plans today?

P: You forgot that we have sightseeing city today? I heard that today will be festival or something like that

S: Right~~. I totally forgot about that

P: He and Ink have the same defects Heh, I've been expected that your memory will fail again

S: Yeah, sorry about that but you know, I am skeleton, I don't have any brain to store my memories

P: Heh, so about what will be that festival?

S: Oh. Probably that's pie festival. Many peoples are baking pies, believe me.

P: Even Papyrus?

S: Yes, even Papierus. That was funny when he brought spaghetti pie

P: What he did? (laughing)

S: He really did it but the funniest thing was that, that he get 8/10 points from critics

P: You joking~

S: I am not~. I've heard that today will be judging Toriel too

P: it won't be easy that year I think

S: probably. Maybe we go there now

P: Hmmm... I don't know~... I still have my shift

S: come on, there probably will need guards anyway so let's go

P: okay then, you persuaded me

End of part 21

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