part 27 "Doggo"

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P: So where are we going?

Pp: Like you remember, you still weren't introduced to many people so I just wanted introduce you to my friends

P: How many you have that friends

Pp: Let's think... Doggo, Dogamy, Dogaressa...

P: Why all of them are dogs?

Pp: Eee... (processing) I don't really know, maybe dogs like me

P: Well, at least you aren't bonely 

Pp: (processing)... ... ... ... ... Don't tell me that it's because I am skeleton

P: I didn't say that but that can be true if you think about that in few ways. So who first?

Pp: Hmmm... Well, I think that you face them all at the same time because all of them like spedning time in Grillby

P: But you know that festival still isn't over

Pp: Maybe you right, but nothing is that changing. Probably they will be an Grillby's stand

P: Maybe you right but you can't be sure at 100%

Pp: Well, of course that no at 100% but knowing my luck they probably will be there

P: Your luck you saying... but if I good remember, you don't have very much luck if is going about your special attack

Pp: Who said that to you? I don't remember that I told you about that

P: Who other than Sans could tell me that

Pp: Ehhh... I am disappointed. Oh, I always wondered about something

P: And what is that?

Pp: How's that possible that you can transforming

P: (stopping) You know that I don't know~

Pp: How's that possible that you don't know, that's your power, you should know

P: I don't know why I can transforming, maybe that's because of that, that my powers was awaken when I get in underground and that can be because of my soul too

Pp: So~ you created your transformations? or maybe your look aren't depending for that

P: My own look never depended on my own. Colour of my fur depended of my hairs' colour and soul type but if is going about that skeleton form... well I can't tell that it is skeleton form

Pp: But you looks like skeleton and I can see your bones so of course it's skeleton form

P: Tell me, skeletons have hairs? and I never saw skeleton with tail

Pp: Well, I never saw dragons~ but, I seen from books what Alphys have, that there are skele-dragons have tails, horns and even hairs

P: So you telling me that I am skele-dragon?

Pp: Well, I think that yes oh and btw, why all of clothes are red?

P: Why not?, it's my favourite colour.

Pp: I sometimes just worring that you wearing just the same clothes every day

P: And even if, where would be that problem?

Pp: You should fell few years ago because Sans always was walking in the same clothes, every fucking days

P: And how much he have now?

Pp: Currently he have 3 different jackets, blue one with white fur, black one with red fur and red one with black fur, you know, that what he is wearing now... oh we already at place. That's funny that when people are talking even time is passing faster

P: Yeah, you right

Pp: *looking for Doggo or other dogs* there they are. Hey Doggo

D: Is somebody said something? (processing) 

P: Is he blind?

Pp: No~ Doggo just can see moving things

D: *seeing moving Papyrus* Oh it's you Papyrus, what brings you to me

Pp: Like I said earlier, I wanted introduce you to my cousin. He is skeleton dragon

D: And where he standing? I can't see him

Pp: Pawlos, move some parts of your body, Doggo can't see you

P: Ok, now you see me?

D: Holy crap, so that's looking skeleton dragons, I never saw one

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D: Holy crap, so that's looking skeleton dragons, I never saw one

End of part 27

I was that bored that I draw my skeleton form

and how you heads? 

did you guys imagined that well?


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