Hero (Ch. 13)

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Rie slowly trudge his way to their room, trying his best to steady himself so he can avoid collapsing on the cold hard floor. He felt pain all over his small body, almost like there were needles poking every muscle he has as he move.

The boy has again suffered the same scenario from the men that he was forced to meet earlier. Except this time, he tried to fight back more but to no avail as he was beaten down before his body was violated again and again. By now, the only person that he wanted to see was his lifeline — his sweet sister that have always given light and color to his monochrome world.

Although Rie knew that his sister thinks of him as someone more important than her own life, he will always find himself disagreeing with that idea. The little boy knew that if something bad were to happen to (Y/n), it will also be his end. His twin sister was the only reason for him to continue with this life and as long as he hasn't given (Y/n) the happiness that she deserves, he wouldn't give up.

Rie forced himself to drag his feet, there were only a few steps before he reach his destination. He can finally see (Y/n)'s bright smile and feel like everything will turn out okay in the end.

He reached for the door knob excitedly, and as he opened the door he saw his sister seating on her makeshift bed — the girl' s back facing him. Rie was about to call her name after closing the door behind him, but was stopped when he heard his sister's voice as if she was talking to someone.

"That would be great, right? Rie will also be happy once they're gone, right?" the little girl said, with an unusual tone of voice. It wasn't something Rie was familiar with, it felt cold and at the same time, menacing.

"No. Rie will get mad at me. He said it's bad to hurt people." the girl muttered again but with a much more softer tone before pausing and continuing to speak.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be overjoyed once we get rid of those basta—"

"(N/n)...?" This time, Rie decided to cut her off resulting for the girl to flinch, as if she was snapped back to reality.

"Who are you talking to?" the little boy asked, his sister slowly turning around to look at him.

"What are you saying, Rie? I wasn't talking to anyone. " (Y/n) answered, confusion can be seen all over her face. With this, her brother felt anxious and at the same time, very worried with the little girl's answer. Rie knew that it wasn't his imagination, his sister was definitely talking a whime ago.

"Rie! What happened to you?" (Y/n) gasped as she saw her brother's situation. She have been noticing how the boy would always come home with bruises covering his body and also, the most noticeable was the blood that have always become present whenever Rie comes back.

(Y/n) didn't have any idea why it always had to be located at the back of Rie's shorts or pants. Her young clueless mind couldn't comprehend what might be happening to Rie so she was always left guessing.

"Don't mind me, (N/n). I'll just clean up and we can sleep."

"Are you sure? Doesn't it hurt?" the little girl asked, her voice laced with worry.

"Don't worry, these are just some scratches." Rie answered, giving a faint chuckle to convince his twin.

The female twin wanted to disagree, but just chose to do the opposite because she knew that if Rie wanted to say something to her, he will when he's ready. "If you say so..." she mumbled softly.

(Y/n) watched as her brother finally took a seat on the floor. She saw how relieved Rie was to finally get some rest but the way the boy would fiddle with his fingers bothered her— an indication that something is bothering him.

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