sixteen | lily's letter

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Readjusting to life back at Sirius and Remus' apartment was just as easy as Hazel expected it to be.  Sirius and Remus, though, were still having trouble getting used to Hazel's trampoline again.  They could put up with her loud music and constant baking, even leaving her paints all around the house, but the trampoline was something they couldn't get used to, nor understand why she had ever bought it.

The past few months had been tough, the whole lot of them, except James and Lily, kept getting sent on more and more missions for the Order.  

It had been several days since Harry had turned one.  Sirius had sent Harry a broomstick, while Hazel sent him a small pair of Gryffindor Quidditch robes to go with it.  Remus had sent him some other Gryffindor clothes and toys.  

Hazel hadn't been able to see the Potter's all that much, as they were in hiding.  She, Sirius and Remus also had to miss his first birthday, as they were away on Order business.  Once they finally were able to return home, they each had an envelope waiting for them.

Inside of the envelope's were letters, each written out by Lily, and a picture of Harry to follow.  Hazel was quick to pin her picture up in her room.  In the one she had received, Harry was running around the couch in his new Quidditch uniform, holding his broomstick over his head.

Hazel's letter had also come with a small, brown paper package.  Once opening it, her eyes immediately filled up with tears.  It was a hand-sewn dark blue sweater, with her initials in the corner.  A small note that was left inside read 'Since you always make these and never receive one, I figured this would be a small gift from Harry to you'.

She then walked out of her room, sporting her new sweater despite being in the middle of a heat wave.

"Suppose we should go for a visit soon?" Remus suggests as Hazel agrees with him, then steps onto her trampoline and starts to bounce up and down on it.

"Shit, Hazel, you should have given that death contraption to Harry." Sirius groaned, earning a laugh from both  Remus and Hazel.

"This trampoline will be buried with me boys.  I would like to open up my own trampoline store." Hazel states, matter-of-factly.

Sirius laughs at this, staring in awe at the girl who had been through far too much in the past several years, yet still had hope.  The girl who somehow managed to get over the boy she had been in love with since she was 11, now being almost 21.  He admired her, absolutely everything about her, and yet for some reason he was still holding back telling her all of this.

"Why are you staring at me Pads?" Hazel asks, snapping Sirius out of his trance.

"Because you're jumping on a trampoline in our living room."


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