Chapter 8: The Great Escape

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The damn doctor in training must reek of fear, because the second the door opens all seven wolves in the hallway turn to look at us, sensing something was obviously wrong. I dont smell any infected wolves, which is odd. Kai must have a hard time controlling them still. They're unpredictable creatures.

Before the two wolves guarding my door have time to react I've already ripped the jugular out of one of them and started advancing on the other one. He quickly shifts into his wolf, while I stay in my human form, trying to give my wolf a few more minutes to heal before I rip open all of our wounds during the shift.

He lunges for my already shredded ankle with his teeth, knocking me on my ass and bruising my tailbone.

I repeatedly kick his face in with my other foot until I hear the snap of his neck. Quickly, I get to my feet, trying not to put any weight on my ankle. The other four wolves are already pushing towards me, eyes focused on my ankle, my weakness. And the doctor is no where to be found, now my guide out of this shithole is missing. I just can't get a damn break, can I?

My wolf tries to lend me some of her strength, but I push her away, encouraging her to use her abilities to heal our body, especially our ankle, at it's current state, running on that ankle is not going to be a good time, and it will slow us down significantly.

"I suppose theres no way to convince you guys and gals to let me out of this place is there?" I taunt the five remaining wolves half heartedly. One of them snarls back in retaliation, they all shifted while I was kicking their buddies face in. Five versus one, that's totally fair right? Hell no. Now five wolves versus one very wounded alpha. That evens the playing field a bit. By a tiny fraction. I'm not freaking invincible, okay?

Two of the wolves crouch low and jump at me at the same time, I duck under them, sliding on the linoleum floor on my knees and into one of the wolves waiting to attack me. Giving myself one hell of a rug burn on the way over. Rug burn? Linoleum burn? Ah hell, you know what I mean.

Her surprise is evident on her face, I grab one of her paws and tug it towards me, making her trip and hit her jaw on the floor. Then I jump on her back wrapping my arms around her thick, furry neck and twist as hard as I can till I hear that disgusting pop.

All of this happens in a matter of seconds, the other wolf standing next to her now limp body throws me off of her back and into the wall, slamming my already injured skull, I hear and feel my shoulder pop out of place and this time I can'thelp the scream that rips out of me, even my wolf whimpers in my head, as she tries to shield me from some of the pain.

She pushes out from my mind and forces me to go through the shift, our disclocated shoulder popping back into place during the rearrangement of our bones. She lifts our head and snarls at the remaining four wolves, particularly, the one who fucked up our shoulder. He takes a visible step back, no longer looking as cocky as he was, the four of them trap me against the crushed wall behind me.

They all take a step closer to me at the same time, making our half circle even smaller. Oh yeah, its definetly time to get out of here. We start to move towards the wolf on the far right and as the rest of them move to quickly cut me off, I zip to the left tackling the beast and digging my canines deep into his skin, ripping out the meaty flesh. I don't stop to look at the other three, instead I bolt towards the end of the hallway, shifting back into my human form and ripping the door open, not caring that I'm butt naked.

I don't stop to observe my surroundings, all I see is white flashing by me as I continue to open doors, limping around this forsaken building and praying to the moon that my instincts get me the hell out of here. The constant damage to my skull is darkening my vision. Oh no you don't, not again, alphas dont faint, damn it!

I rip open another door, it takes my wolf a half second to smell the fresh breeze before shes already shifted, then we are zooming through a forest, we don't know these lands, we don't know what direction to go in. We could be traveling towards humans, or we could be going deeper into the forest. Towards nothing, towards a dead end, towards another pack that may not be as friendly as my captors.

I hear them behind me now, the remaining three wolves, don't think for a second they've stopped chasing us. I want to growl out at my failures. Alphas don't run! My father didn't run and he was the greatest alpha I've ever known. I should stop and teach them a lesson, but with my body in it's current state, I'm not 100% sure that's a battle I would win.

My wolf and I already fight the urge to cringe everytime we land on our hurt ankle. Every step we take with our bruised, shoulder. We share our pain, what happens to me happens to her, and vice versa, it may be a more dulled down version, but it still hurts like a bitch.

I hear one wolf gaining on me, this one is much quicker on its feet than the others, and my alpha speed has left the metaphorical building with my ankle being in the state it's in. I hear his feet trampling behind me, memorizing the rythem, till suddenly the rythem is interrupted, it takes me a second to understand why, and when I do the wolf is already tackling me. We roll down a hill together, claws finding fur, teeth gnashing at eachother. I'm not sure if I injure him or he injures me. The adrenaline is rushing through me and I feel like a fucking super hero.

We both hit a tree, the blast knocks us away from eachother, and surprise surprise, my skull takes another hit. Yeah, remember when I said I felt like a superhero? I take it all back. My vision goes completley black for a few seconds, and in those few seconds I fear my vision will never return. But it does, my body is more resilient than I give it credit for.

Luckily for me the wolf next to me appears to be either dead or passed out, I dont stop to check, instead I keep running. If you could even call it that, more of a fast limp. My head drops every few seconds, we start to plummet to the ground, but the fall jolts us awake and we keep up the pace.

I don't hear the other two wolves, now that I think about it I don't hear anything. Besides a constant ringing that I'm pretty sure isn't coming from the forest. Our exauhstion finally gets the best of us, I know we won't be awake much longer.

Just when I think we are in the clear the other two wolves show up in front of us. My wolf let's out a growl in annoyance. This is the end, I don't know if they will kill us or capture us. But I know there will be no escaping again, and I've already took out so many of their own they want retribution. They want me to pay for the sins I've committed against their little clan of outlaws.

I swipe at the wolf to my left, but my spirit isnt in it, and the other wolves know it, they taste my defeat. It's a smell I've never released before. I've never been defeated. I've never lost a fight.

Until now.

I had to give myself a pat on the back though, I did put up a hell of a fight. Too bad it wasn't worth it, in the end.

The wolves before me contort their faces into a grin, the wolf to my right slowly walks up to me, those mere seconds slow down, I watch in slow motion as the wolf take his to front paws and slams on my shoulders, bashing my head into the forest floor for a final time. And this time, my vision goes completely blank.

So damn, that was kind of a long break I took from updating lol. To be honest I hated last chapter. And I had no idea where to take it from there, I'm sure one day I'll go through and edit Kai and Auroras meeting. But anyways, enjoy the update, for the two of you who actually read my story 😂.

P.s. the song has literally nothing to do with the chapter, I just like it and I want to share it with the world.

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