Chapter 10: tell me the stuff

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After they loaded up everything, Zak stepped in. No sign from (Y/N), but then again, the RV was pretty big with 3 sections. You could say it was actually a tour bus kind of thing. But yet again, it wasn't. Zak moved up to the next part, where she was, on her own.

Reading silently away from the noice the guys were making in the first part of the RV.

"Knock Knock." Zak said softly, letting himself in and closing the door.

(Y/N) looked up and placed her book down. "Whats up?"

"I was told to talk to you."

"Did Aaron told you that."

"Uhm, yeah, he did."

"Luckily he told me to do the same shit. So here we go."

"I'm sorry" They both said and looked up in each others eyes.


"So, we good?" Zak asked looking down.

"Of course. Anything else?"

"Well, no, maybe, yes..."

(Y/N) took her placed down book and took it to the table. Putting it down safely, she went back and sat back next to Zak.

"What's up? Shouldn't you hang with the others? I mean, I'm only the new girl huh?" (Y/N) joked and softly punched Zak his shoulder.

Zak Chuckled softly "Yeah and that is the main reason why I should stay here with you. Get to know my new photographer. Maybe later we could kick their asses in some games?"

"Sound really lovely. Whatcha wanna know Zak?"

"Well I don't know. Tell me the interesting stuff about you."

"If I wouldn't know any better, it sounds like you sir, are flirting with me. Tell me, am I wrong?"

Zak scratched at the back of his neck and looked down. Was he that obvious? He looked up once he felt a hand on his shoulder giving a slight squeeze. 

"I'm sorry Zak, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I thought it was the moment too joke around a bit. "

"It's nothing, I know you have a thing for Nick." Zak smirked his last words, but inside he is just a mess, thinking about the fact that she and Nick...

"What? NO! Nick and I are just friends. Nothing more and nothing less."

Zak felt incredible after her confessing words. In his mind, he screamed and air pumped his hand.

"What about your home country? You left it for this job. Why?"

"Well, we got time right? It's a fun story, I never really had an actual boyfriend before. Maybe 2 when I was 7 or so. But believe me. It was forced by some girl friends. And when I finally had the courage to break up with him, they were all mad at me. So I tried to reason with them. Hell I felt so bad for him, but I never liked the kid. He was always annoying as hell. Second so called boyfriend was a little player. Man I could kick his ass for what he did to every girl in my class. So yeah after that, around the age 16-17 I talked to guys, but I have a very specific kind of guy that I want. I don't like clean shaven and too much vintage. And believe me, everyone was wearing that. So I never dated in Belgium. Guess I had my reason that I was too busy and concentrated on my job and school studies."

"Sounds like you had a heavy youth?"

"Yeah it was, but my grandmother always did the job of making me really happy! That's the reason of why I wanted to be part of this. She introduced me to your show. And I introduced it to my mother. They were so proud once I was an official photographer and when I told them I wanted to do this, they were so proud. Probably the reason why I left Belgium. I'll miss the real systems."

"Uh? Systems?"

"Yeah! We got an amazing system. drinking legally from 16, smoking has been raised from 16 to 18. Driving lessons from 17 and you may officially drive when you are 18. Also, when you get sick and you can't go to work, you get paid by the government. Something you don't really have here..."

"Wow... I guess that sounds awesome."

"What are you up to? Like what if you are too old for this? What are you going to do then." 

"I don't really know right now. What I do know is that we could make a great team in kicking the others their asses. You up to join me?"

(Y/n) gave smirk and stood up. 


It was already about 5 hours further and they arrived at their first hotel kind of thing. Most games were won by (Y/N). Some by Zak. Let's say they all went to single mode. All for one!

(Y/N) was happy that she could get some fresh air and a decent bed. She straightened her back until you could hear some bones pop.

"Ouch that doesn't sound healthy (Y/N)" Aaron said. 

She quickly sticked out her tongue and took a bag with all the essentials for the rest of the day and the night, like the others did. Zak walked in front of them and stood by the helpdesk. Ashamed of what the crew was doing, they were a bundle of little kids.

After that they all went to their rooms.

Now you probably thought that Zak tried to get (Y/N) in his room. Tell her something went wrong. But we don't participate with the full house of cliches !


The sun was going down and the moon started to rise. (Y/N) took her AirPods and played some music. To be more specific. Joy Division.

She grew up with it. She and her dad listened to it every night when she was a kid. Later on, they were the only two of the family that could jam easily to it. And being her current age, it didn't change a thing.

(A/N: yeah, I'm 16 and I listen to it. My dad and I jam to it so much. It's fun when we take a walk with our music loud and every one looking at an older guy that was young from that time period. And someone who is 'too young' to actually know them. Fun fact, we got posters, Vinyl records and we both got the same shirt. Grocery shopping is fun wearing those. Sorry, just wanted to tell something I'm proud of, LET'S CONTINUE THE STORYYYYYY')

There she was. Laying down on her bed, closing her eyes, and just sleeping in on Ian Curtis his amazing voice.



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