Chapter 1: Life-changing event

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My name is Ruby Hale and yes I'm a hale but not a daughter too who you think. I am Peter Hale's daughter. My mom was one of his many flings but she got pregnant and had me. She decides to leave me on the Hale house doorstep with a note.

Peter was unable to raise me so Talia hale raised me. So I became very close to Derek as he was always there for me and enjoyed playing with me when I was younger. they knew from since I was a child that I was a werewolf because when I was a baby my eyes glowed on the night of the full moon and kept doing that every full moon until I was 14 and would shift.

I was 10 years old when it happened. I had spent the night at my friend's house and we had lots of fun but we got woken up at 8 AM by her mum who told us that there had been a fire at my house. I instantly got up and changed. she took me to my house and I could see fire Engine, police and ambulances. I jumped out the car and ran toward the house ducking under the tape and was running full speed when I was stopped by a strong arm, I looked up and saw Derek in front of me, I hugged him the second I realised it was him and he embraced me back.

"I'm so glad you were at your friend's house," he said

"same hear," I replied. then I realised and asked, "what happened to peter, Talia, Cora and Laura."

"Laura is fine, she's over there," he said pointing to her talking to a police officer "as for peter he got some serious burns and was taken to hospital," he carried on

"and the others," I encouraged

"gone," is all he could say

We stood there for a minute looking at the house Derek's arm around me in silence

After a While I broke the silence "can you take me to see Peter," I asked

"sure," he said walking towards his car with me behind him.

We got to the hospital and he walked me through and asked the person at the desk where peter was, she showed us to his room but I was too young and was not allowed in. I looked at him through the window and saw the burns all over his face, but I also saw a girl in the bed next to him. I wondered who she was but didn't feel it was my place to ask the nurse.

I stood there for a bit looking in at peter and the girl with Derek behind me, then out of the corner I saw a lady in a posh looking suit walking towards us, I turned to face her when she reaches us

"Are you Derek and Ruby hale?" she asked

"yes, why?" Derek asked

"Hi, I'm ruby's care worker Joanne and I was wondering if I could have a chat?" she asked Derek

"sure, Ruby go sit over there," he answered and I listened and walked over to a chair he pointed at, I tried hard to focus my hearing on what they were saying as I was still learning but I managed to get there conversation

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Derek asked

"well with Peter being in the hospital and your mum gone I think it would be best, as you are young that ruby gets a foster family and lives with them," she said

"hmm, I see what your on about but I could look after her," I hear Derek say

"And I see that but don't you want her to have a bit of stability in her life after what she has just been through, we have a set of parents that are ready to take her straight away and they will look after her," she continued

"OK, I guess it is for the best and I want her to be happy but it is up to her what she wants to do," Derek said

"OK let's go ask her and see what she thinks," she added

Fire, blood and anguish. (Stiles stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now