Chapter 7: Pack mentality

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I walked into school and was at my locker when I noticed Scott looking very afraid so I followed him and watched as he punched a locker and walked into Allison. I was walking back to my locker when the principle's voice came over the speaker

"Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our bus'. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled. Thank you."

I went to lessons and during science Scott and Stiles got moved so I now had Stiles next to me. We smiled at each other, then a girl shouted

"Look they found something,"

We all rushed over to see a man on a stretcher being put in an ambulance when suddenly he shot up so we knew he was still alive. Later that day at the cafeteria for lunch I saw Scott and Stiles at a table and then all the cool lot went and sat with them. I watched as they all talked.

When Scott and Stiles left I did too so I could see they were talking and the Scott ran off

"Wait, Scott, you didn't An, am I attractive to gay guy You didn't answer my question" Stiles shouted

"No your not but you are to some people," I said to Stiles as I walked past him smirking. All he could do was stare at me mouth open ajar as I kept walking.

I went to Derek's to see what he was doing and while I was there we heard a car draw up

"Derek," I said looking at him. He just looked back at me

We went to the window (we were both upstairs) and saw a sheriff's car here with a dog in the back we watched as he came closer to the house. I looked up at Derek to see he was staring at the dog and made his eyes change.

The dog started barking more and more until the deputy got too scared and left with his dog. We then saw a minute later Scott walk up to the house

"I know you can hear me. I need your help." Scott asked

We went downstairs and Derek went out to see him and I stayed inside listening

"Okay. I know I was part of you getting arrested and that we basically announced you being here to the hunters. I also don't know what happened to your sister. But I think I did something last night. I had a dream about someone. But someone else got hurt. And it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened." said Scott

"You think you attacked the driver?" said Derek

"Did you see what I did last night?" Asked Scott

"No." replied Derek

"Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I gonna hurt someone?" asked Scott

"Yes," replied Derek

"Could I kill someone?" Scott asked

"Yes," Derek replied again

"Am I gonna kill someone?" asked Scott

"Probably." replied Derek "Look, I can show you how to remember. I can show you how to control the shift, even on a full moon. But it's not gonna come for free." Said Derek, I shook my head at what I was hearing, not pleased.

"What do you want?" asked Scott

"you'll find out. But for now, I'm gonna give you what you want. Go back to the bus. Go inside. See it, feel it. Let your senses, your sight, smell, touch. Let them remember for you." said Derek

"That's it? Just go back?" Scott questioned

"Do you want to know what happened? Derek said

"I just want to know if I hurt him," Scott said

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