Chapter 5: Derek the killer?

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I walked to the lacrosse field to keep an eye on Scott, I sat up in the bleachers and got some work out to do. I glanced over to the side of one of the other bleachers and found Derek stood there. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I watched as they were practising and when it was Scott's turn I felt the pain as he fell onto the grass from Jackson pushing him. I could see his eyes changed colour then they went back to normal.

I sat up more to get a better view. I watched as Scott ran at Jackson and they collided with each other. Jackson was led on the floor and Stiles was helping Scott up.

I watched as they started going back to the changing room. I collected my things up as fast as I could and ran pass Derek to the boy's locker room, I ran up to the door and found Scott was turned and he was going towards Stiles. I was about to roar at him when Stiles grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed Scott. He then walked back and into me

"Sorry," he said

"That's OK, is Scott OK?, I replied

We then heard a voice "Stiles? What happened?" Scott asked

"I better go, bye," I said to Stiles as I walked off to meet Derek

I found Derek stood by my car

"Hey," I said

"Hi," he said as we got in my car

I started driving to my house when Derek asked "Did Scott shift,"

"Yeah but Stiles blew him with a fire extinguisher and he changed back," I replied

"Well I need to have a word with him as I saw him change on the field," replied Derek

"OK just don't be too harsh, he is still learning," I replied

"We'll see," is all Derek said back

We got to my house and I parked my car and changed. We then left for Scott's house. I stood outside the window looking in, I could see Scott was on chat with Stiles and Derek was behind him. I then watched as Derek grabbed Scott and pushed him against the wall

"I saw you on the field." Said Derek

"What are you talking about?" Replied Scott

"You shifted in front of them. If they find out what you are, they find out about me, about all of us and then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone." continued Derek

"They didn't see anything. I swear," replied Scott

"And they won't. Because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday, I'm gonna kill you myself." threatened Derek

He then jumped out the window and I followed behind him.

When we were a bit away from the house I said " you didn't need to be so harsh on him,"

" yes I did, to teach him a lesson," Derek replied

"You scared him, do you really want him to be afraid of you?" I asked

"To keep our secret safe I will," Derek replied

"OK but next time can you try to be a little nicer," I asked

"We'll see, it depends on how I'm feeling," Derek replied

I went back to Derek's for a bit and then went home.

The next day I was in the corridor at school when I sure Scott and Stiles peering around a corner so I listened into there conversation

Fire, blood and anguish. (Stiles stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now