Chapter 6: lacrosse games

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The next morning I walked to Derek's to find police investigators there and Scott was stood by Stiles' Jeep watching as Derek got put in the back of a sheriff's car. I then saw Stiles get in the front to talk to him and then a couple of minutes later he got dragged out by his dad. I decided to sneak in to talk to Derek while Stiles distracted his dad

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here," said Derek when I got in

"I wanted to see you, you knew this was going to happen didn't you?," I asked

"Yeah I did," he replied

"So why didn't you tell me," I asked

"Because I didn't want you to know much," he replied

"Why," I asked

"For your safety, so no one would know what happened and who you really are, now you need to go before you get caught," Derek said

"One more thing what's going to happen?" I asked

"They will find out it was my sister and let me go and everything will be fine but while I'm in handcuffs you need to keep an eye on Scott," he said

"OK I will and you have this all planned out didn't you," I said

"I might off," he said

I then saw Stiles leave and knew that was my cue to leave as well

"Bye," I said as I snuck out and ran back to my house.

I got in my car and drove home. I relaxed for the rest of the day and then in the evening, I went to school to keep an eye on Scott during the lacrosse game.

I decided to stand next to the bleachers so I could move fast if I needed to. I stood and watched as the game started and during it, I realised they weren't passing the ball to Scott when he was wide open.

I could see as the game went on Scott was getting angry and then he passed that point when he saw Lydia and Allison had a sign above them saying " we love Jackson" I knew he was very angry and I just hoped he would control it and not shift on the field.

I watched as Scott got the ball and dodged every player and scored, everyone, jumped up clapping and yelling

"Pass to McCall," I heard coach shout

I noticed that when the other team had the ball Scott turned and the other team's kid was so scared to pass the ball that he gave it to Scott who scored again. I couldn't believe he changed so someone saw him.

I started breathing heavily and I realised I was getting angry and annoyed at Scott so I crouched down and hung my head down and calmed my self before standing up again to see what was going on.

I could see Scott surrounded by the other team but he managed to fling the ball and score. I stood there as everyone got up and started running onto the pitch. I kept my eyes on Scott and watched him take his glove off revealing his hand with his claws out, he ran off into the changing room and I saw Allison go after him so I followed.

I was a few paces behind Allison but I heard a shattering sound like Scott had broken some glass. I kept on walking with Allison in front. She went into the changing room

"Scott? Scott, are you here?" Allison shouted

I stood at the door and I could see Scott on the concrete beam's looking at Allison and I guessed that she was his anchor but I stayed and watched as Allison walked towards the showers

"Scott? Scott?" she shouted, she was now in the showers where he was "Hey, are you okay? Scott. You scared me. Are you all right?" She asked

"Yeah. Sorry. I just got kind of light-headed for a sec." replied Scott

"Maybe it's the adrenaline. You were pretty amazing out there." said Allison

"I'm sorry for acting really weird today." Scott said

"It's okay. I can handle weird." Replied Allison

"To be totally honest, you make me kind of nervous." Said Scott

"I do?" Asked Allison

"Yeah, kind of, like, really nervous. I just I wanna make sure I get my second chance." replied Scott

"You already have it. I'm just waiting for you to take it," said Allison

I could hear Stiles coming so I hid, I watched as Allison left and Stiles and Scott started talking

"I kissed her," said Scott

"I saw." replied Stiles

"She kissed me." continued Scott

"I saw that too. It's pretty good, huh?" Told Stiles

"I don't know how, but I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad." said Scott

"Yeah. We'll talk later then." replied Stiles

"What?" asked Scott

"The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found." started Stiles

"And?" encouraged Scott

"Well, I'II keep it simple. Medical examiner determines the killer of girl to be an animal, not human. Derek is human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail." Said stiles. I smiled when I heard that

"Are you kidding?" Scott said sounding annoyed

"No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID'd the dead girl, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale." said Stiles

"Hale?" Scott questioned

"Derek's sister." Stiles concluded

After I heard that I could hear a heartbeat and I knew it was Derek and that he was here so I quietly ran out the locker room and towards the woods, I could see Derek so I ran up to him and hugged him

"Hi," he said "that's a nice welcome," he continued

"Hey and yeah I missed you," I replied

"How did you know I was out?" He asked

"Stiles told Scott and I was listening, I also heard your heartbeat to I knew you were here," I added

"Ow yeah I forgot you could do that," he said "did Scott shift?" He asked

"Yeah but he managed to shift out because of Allison I think," I replied

"so you think Allison might be his anchor?" he asked

"Yeah I think so," I replied

"Well I hope not," said Derek

"Why's that?" I asked

"Because her family are werewolf hunters so she's one," he said

" so you think she might try to kill us," I asked

"Yeah and the Argent's are bad new," he said

"Why?" I asked

"You know why, anyway that kid Jackson picked up Scott's holy glove," he told me

"What so he might know what he is," I asked

"I think so but keep an eye on him," he said

"Sure," I replied "I should get home, talk to you soon," I said

"Bye," he said walking through the forest.

I walked back to my car and drove home.

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