Chapter 4: acquaintances

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I was at my locker the next day sorting my book's out when Jackson walked up to Scott who was at his locker

" all right, little man. How 'bout you tell me where you're getting your juice." he asked Scott

"What?" replied Scott

"Where are you getting your juice?" Jackson asked again

"My mom does all the grocery shopping." replied Scott. I hid my head in my locker and lightly banged it thinking, how stupid could he be as I even knew what he was on about.

"Now, listen, McCall, you're gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you're buying it from, because there's no way in hell you're out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost." said Jackson now getting angry

"Oh, you mean steroids. Are you on steroids?" Scott said stupidly

"What the hell is going on with you, McCall?" asked Jackson

"What's going on with me? You really wanna know? Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear, and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my freaking mind!" said Scott. I could believe he told Jackson that as he didn't like him and neither did I.

"You think you're funny. Don't you, McCall? I know you're hiding something. I'm gonna find out what it is. I don't care how long it takes," replied Jackson punching Scott's locker and walking out towards the lacrosse field.

Then a minute later Scott left so I grabbed my stuff and went out to the field and found a seat in the stands and started reading my book. I was reading when I glanced up and saw Scott dodging everyone and scoring. Everyone then overheard coach say that Scott made the first line. I was a bit like good for him but oh no as that could trigger him to change as well.

After there practice, I went to Derek's to see him

"Hello," I said walking in

"hey," he said. I walked into the living room to find him there

"there a party tomorrow and Scott is going," I told Derek

"really, on the night of the full moon," Derek said

"yeah, I'm going to go and keep an eye on him," I said

"OK, I'll go as well, in case anything happens," Derek stated

"OK, I'll be the inside eyes and ears and you'll be the outside ones," I said

"yeah that works," Derek replied

I stayed there for a while and did some homework before driving back to mine and sleeping.


The next day I went to school and when I came home I hopped in the shower and I styled my hair. I got changed and drove to the party. When I arrived I saw Derek hiding outside, I nodded to him and went in. I decide to get a drink even though I knew it didn't work on me anyway I still wanted to blend in. I hung around the food table and saw Scott walk in with Allison.

I saw Derek stood at the gate to the back yard and so did Scott as he was looking at him as well, I didn't like Derek's expression on his face as he didn't seem happy with Scott or being there when it wasn't Scott's fault and he didn't need to be there as I was here but he then moved and jumped onto the roof.

I watched as Scott and Allison danced together, then suddenly Scott left Allison so I followed him outside with Allison in front of me. We watched as Scott got in his car and drove off. I then suddenly had Derek next to me

"Allison." said Derek she turned around to face us "I'm a friend of Scott's. My name's Derek." he carried on as I just stood there.

She then went back inside

"Why did you do that?" I asked Derek

"so she knows who I am," he replied

"well you made me look like a lemon just stood there," I said my tone sounded annoyed

"well I'm sorry, but we need to go find Scott," Derek replied

"he probably went to his house," I said walking towards my car " get in, I'll drive us there," I said

"no don't worry I've got my car I'll, meet you at Scott's," said Derek

"OK see you there," I said

I got in my car and drove to Scott's wondering why Derek hadn't joined me yet. I sat in my car waiting for Derek when I saw Scott jump out of his window and change. He ran off into the woods. I drove to Derek's to see if he was there and I found no sign of him so I waited and he finally arrived back.

"Where have you been," I shouted as the door opened

"saving Scott," he said walking into the living room

"what happened?" I asked

" I took Allison home to save her from Scott and used her jumper to get Scott into the woods but we were found by some hunters," he told me

"oh no is he OK," I asked

"yeah he is and I'm fine as well," he said in an annoyed tone

"well, of course, you would be that's why I didn't ask," I replied "anyway what happened after that," I asked

"Scott got shot by an arrow in the wrist by argent hunters and I saved him," he told me

"anything else happen?," I asked

" yeah after I saved him Scott asked

Scott: Who were they?

Derek: Hunters. The kind that have been hunting us for centuries.

Scott: Us? You mean you! You did this to me!

Derek: Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope? You've been given something that most people would kill for. The bite is a gift.

Scott: I don't want it.

Derek: You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it. So you and me, Scott, we're brothers now.

and that's what happened," Derek said after telling me the whole story

"you probably scared and intimidated him," I said

"good he needs to get used to it," Derek replied

"Why do you haft to be so cold to people?" I asked

"because it's hard to trust people," he replied

"why?" I asked intrigued

"It just is," he said getting angry now

"OK, OK, I get it sorry I asked," I replied

"it OK, it late you should probably get back," Derek said calmly

"sure, bye," I said

"bye," he said

I walked out of the house and drove home for a well-deserved reset. I had a relaxed weekend and on Monday I walked out of school and found Scott talking to Allison so I listened to there conversation

"Did you get sick?" asked Allison

"I definitely had an attack of something," replied Scott

"Am I gonna get an explanation?" asked Allison

"Can you just find it in your heart to trust me on this one?" replied Scott

"Am I gonna regret this?" said Allison

"Probably." replied Scott "So is that a yes on a second chance?" asked Scott

"Definitely yes." replied Allison

I then stopped listening and saw her walking away to her Dad's truck I knew that the way Scott's face was that her dad must have been the one that shot him.

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