Chapter 12

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Giyuu couldn't wait to go home, he was extremely exhausted. The students nowadays had no respect for him at all. He knew he shouldn't have listened to Shinobu's advice on going easier on them. According to her, it'll make him less disliked. Well, that did happen. But it made his job ten times more exhausting than it initially was.

Reaching at the front of his doorstep, he felt his heart beat rapidly in excitement to see his wife. They've been married for three years but somehow, his excitement to see her after work never failed to die down. He turned the door knob's handle and pushed the door open.

"Im home." he announced while taking his shoes off and placing it neatly to the side.

"Welcome home!" was the reply he had immediately received upon his announcement.

Giyuu took a deep breath before walking towards the living room, where he immediately started panicking once he had entered the living room.

"H-hey!" he starts nervously, "Shinobu, I told you to leave the laundry to me!" he finishes while taking the laundry basket away from her hold. "You should rest more and leave the house chores to me alright?" he frowns.

"You know I can't just rest." she pouts, "It feels weird not doing anything."

Giyuu continues to look at her with a frown before sighing. That stubborn wife of his, he thought to himself. "I know, but you're pregnant." he says while putting the laundry basket down on the floor right next to him and offers her his hand. "You shouldn't be moving around too much. If you were to get injured, I'll blame myself."

"You're honestly such a worry wart Giyuu-san." she sighs out before accepting his awaiting hand.

"How could I not be?" he hisses out while guiding her to the couch. "Especially since the baby could come anytime now."

She slowly bends down to sit on the couch with the help of Giyuu. Once she had finally sat down, Giyuu joins to sit right beside her while letting out a tired sigh.

"Promise me you won't do that again." he whispered while looking directly into her eyes.

"But i-"

"-cant just rest, it feels weird." he cuts her off. "I know, you've said that dozens of times now." he pinches the bridge of her nose with a small smile. "Hold on just a little longer. You're free to do anything you like once you've given birth to our baby."


"Shinobu..." he warns quietly while releasing his hold on her nose.

"Fine." she replies angrily while crossing her arms and turning to look away from him with a pout.

"Good girl." he whispers quietly while ruffling her hair before he gently lays his head on her stomach, making sure to be careful so as to not injure the baby.

"Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" Shinobu quietly asks while playing with his strands of hair.

"I don't know." he replies honestly, "If our child turns out to be a girl, I hope she inherits most of her features from you."

Shinobu giggles at this and bends down to lightly peck his forehead. "Why not inherit yours? I'd love to see a mini female Giyuu."

"However she or he turns out to be, It'll be fine." he says while sitting up and rubbing her stomach. "I'll love them however they turn out."

Shinobu nods in agreement at his statement. She was about to reply but suddenly, she felt the couch beneath her started to soak up. 'Crap.' she thought, her water had broke.

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