Chapter 13: Revelations

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The last chapter was SAD!!! But I like this chapter! And sorry I didn't update last week :/ BUT YOU GUYS GET TWO TODAY SO YAY!!! ENJOY




Jules' P.O.V.

I opened the door to the dorm room and shut it behind Rocky.

"If you want, you can sleep in my bed," I offered. "I'll take the floor. Unless you want to sleep in Carter's bed...."

He shook his head. "I'll sleep on the floor. It's fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked, taking a few blankets and a pillow out of the closet.

"Mmm hmm." He grabbed the blankets and pillow and tossed them on the floor. "Thanks, Jules."

"No problem." I hopped on my bed and crossed my legs as he sat on the ground. "Maybe a break from them is for the better. Things were moving really fast between us."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. And I've seen Carter every day since we met. A few days apart will give me time to clear my head."

I nodded, laying back on my bed. "Goodnight, Rocky."



Riker's P.O.V.

I'm such an idiot. I knew I shouldn't have drank so much last night. But Carter pressured me into it. She kept getting more beers and made me chug them down. No. I can't blame Carter. I didn't have to listen to her. After all, I was the one who dragged her back to my house. If anyone is to blame, it's me.

The look on Jules' face when she saw me and Carter broke my heart. And when Rocky called me and ignorant bastard, I felt like dying right then and there.

I was laying on my bed, Carter asleep on the floor. She couldn't go back to the dorm and face Jules. Rocky was probably staying with her.

I subconsciously reached for my dogtag necklace. Whenever I was anxious, I played with it, kind of how girls play with their hair.

Then I remembered that Jules gave it to me. And it had her name on it. It didn't feel right to wear it anymore, so I reached behind my neck, unclipped it, and put it on my nightstand.

How could I get her to forgive me? Would I even be able to convince her that I was sorry and that it was just a huge mistake?

Maybe I should just try talking to her first. That would be a start. I sighed, rolling onto my side before slowly drifting to sleep.

~The next day~

I woke up and yawned. The very first thing I did was text Jules.

Hey, can we talk?>



She didn't answer. I sighed, dialling her number. It rang twice and went straight to voicemail. She purposely ignored the call. I tried again. Same thing. I decided to just go downstairs.

"Morning, sweetie," my mom said, sitting on the couch.

"Morning, Mom. Did Rocky come home yet?"

"I didn't know he left."

" the night at his friend's." Not entirely a lie.

"Oh, okay. Do you want breakfast?"

"No thanks. I'm not in the mood." I walked into the computer room and grabbed my mac. I walked back up to my room, sat on my bed, and logged onto twitter, Carter still asleep.

'Not a good thing I did. I feel horrible.' I tweeted.

'@R5SuperFan: @rikerR5 What happened?'

I answered the tweet.

'@R5SuperFan I'm not going into detail. It's a personal matter. Sorry :/'

'@ImCrazy4UR5: @rikerR5 Are you okay? :('

I replied.

'@ImCrazy4UR5 No. Not at all.'

I chose to answer one more tweet.

'SingingIsMyLife: @rikerR5 Does it have to do with Jules?'

'@SingingIsMyLife A part of it does.'

"I'm such a mess up," I said out loud. "I should've never been born."

"Don't say that," Carter said, startling me.

"It's true."

"No, it's not. You are one of the nicest, most genuine, caring people I know, Riker. Just because you made one mistake doesn't change any of that."

"It doesn't?"

"No. And I know you love Jules with all your heart. The fact that you're in so much pain proves it. And I bet she still loves you too."

"I hope so. I asked her if we could talk, but she said no, and then I called her twice, and she ignored me both times."

"Give her some time. She'll come around."

"What about Rocky?"

"Oh, I already have a plan for him. A foolproof one," she smirked.

"Oh, god. Do I want to know?"

"Probably not."

"Nevermind then. But I do really want to talk things through with her. Maybe I should just go to your dorm."

Carter shrugged. "It's your choice."

"Riker!" my mom called from downstairs. "I'm going out!"

"Okay!" I yelled back.

"Perfect time for me to leave," Carter said, standing up.

We walked out of my room and down the stairs.

"Where are you gonna go?" I asked as we reached the door. "You can't go to the dorm. Jules is probably there with Rocky."

"Eh I'll figure something out."

"Okay. See ya."


I shut the door and walked to the couch. I reached the kitchen and stopped. I was going to talk to Jules. Now. I jogged to my car and drive over to the dorm. I rushed through the halls to Jules and Carter's room. I sighed and knocked on the door.

It opened to reveal my brother. He glared down at me. "Go away, Riker."

"I want to talk to Jules."

"She doesn't want you here."

"Please, Rocky? I just want to figure things out."

"Well she's not interested," he said before slamming the door in my face.

I put my back against the wall and slid down until I was sitting, my head in my hands. I was mad at Rocky. I was mad at Jules. But I was mostly mad at myself for starting this mess in the first place.

I heard voices from in the room. They were talking.

"What did he say?" Jules asked.

"He wanted to talk things through with you," Rocky said.

"He tried to text and call me. I don't think I'm ready to talk yet. Can't he take a hint?"

"Sometimes he can be such an idiot."

"I do want to forgive him. I honestly still love him, but what he did was...I don't know. Stupid and careless, I guess."

Did she say he still loves me? She did. Jules still loves me.

That tiny four-letter word gave me a glimmer of hope that we could fix this. Now I just had to figure out how.

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