Part: 7🏃Chase 💨

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Liara's Howl

Rocco swiped the brush back and forth removing the excess polish from the tip.
"You really want to have your own nail salon one day?"

"Yeah, I love doing nails."

"Is that what you did before you came back to Honeybee?" The young boy asked.

"For 4 years. Nobody could mess with my nail art. Foils, acrylic flowers, jewels, gems, marbling, all the goodies. "

Rocco smiled, "Mika use to want his own contracting company or something like that

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Rocco smiled, "Mika use to want his own contracting company or something like that. He can build anything with bare hands. He built me and Stella's house. It was really nice until...until it burned down."

"It burned down? Damn. I'm so sorry to hear that." She shook her head feeling terrible for the boy. "Is Stella your sister?"

Rocco shook his head, "No. My parents died when I was a baby, along with everyone else's parents because of some stupid war... Stella has been looking out for me since she was a kid. She's like my big sis in a way."

"Oh, that's sweet. You guys look out for each other."

"Don't you look out for Simona?"

Liara looked away, not wanting to admit that she didn't. "No, not really. I should. I love my sister. It's hard to be close when we've been so distant for so long."

Rocco was confused,"Family is family. Doesn't matter how far away they are or how many fights you get into. They are your people."

"Yeah." She sighed knowing he was right. "I'm glad Stella took care of her people." She smiled.

It all made sense why he was sleeping in her sister Violets room. Stella had taken the guest bedroom and made herself at home. Though she barely came out of her room, she steered clear of Liara. Whenever the two saw each other there was instant animosity.

"Yeah, I'm kind of use to things always being shit." The boy admitted with a shrug, though it meant much more than a simple shrug. Rocco wasn't good at showing his emotions, like most young boys.

Liara had spent most of her time on her cellphone the last few days, hiding from Blue. Making sure to stay far away from Mika. She was still so confused about the kiss and then she was mortified by her behavior the other night with Mika. She couldn't face either one of them.

The more time that passed the more time she spent analyzing everything that happened that night with Mika. The way she came on to him, the way he rejected her. Between the strange rush she got from seeing his wolf, to the harsh tequila and the closeness they shared, she was crushing on him without a doubt.

But then there was Blue. Never had she been kissed like that. She wondered if she should feel guilty or not. She wasn't bound to any man, yet she felt like the kiss was wrong. But the kiss had made her whole body come to life. Since then her core had been burning hot, her nipples were hard and erect and her muscles ached. She wanted him in her bed.

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