Chapter 2

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~Ivy's P.O.V.~ 

 "What the hell was that Poison?!" Jake said as we all got back in the truck "it's called having a conversation Jake" I said with an eye roll "Yeah sure conversation..." Jake said crossing his arm and sitting more into the seat. Bella kept quiet as she drove silently. After Dropping off a very angry Jacob at his house I got up front with bella "Your mad at me too huh?" "What, of course not V, You are always so friendly to everyone so im not surprised that you went on and had your....ummm.....conversation" She said the last part with a giggle, I Groand "I just don't get why he is so upset..." "Well he does have like the biggest crush on you V" "What no way he has a crush on you" "He used to have a crush on me V....When we were younger. I mean the way that you guys hugged should have said enough" "It was just a hug bells" "oh please I saw the way that you two look at each other" "Oh stop it, Sure i'll admit i have a small crush on him but lets be real no guy would ever fall for me or whatever" I say stroking Kang's head suddenly bella stops the care in the middle of the road "What the f-" "No Ivy  listen. tell me who Has almost a whole zoo in there room" "You mean besides bindi irwin?" "Yes and who has awsome tattoos and raindow hair hmm? Yeah no one... look Ivy my point is that your one of a kind. Any guy would love to have the chance to swep you off your feet" She says with a genuen smile "Thanks bells" she nods her head and starts driving again. 

~time skip--At home~ 

I was laying on my bed with all of my animals around me watching tv when I heard my phone go off 

Unknown: Hey umm...this is Sam the guy that you met from the beach 

Ivy: Hey sam, how are you? 

Sam: I'm fine hbu? wyd? 

Ivy: I'm great and me and my babies are just watching some tv. wyd? 

Sam: Watching tv with my sister Emily. But I was also wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? maybe go to the beach? 

Ivy: Sure sounds fun 

Sam: ok i'll pick you up lets say around 12pm and dress casually and bring a swimsuit 

Ivy: it's a date then!

~Time skip---The next morning~

I woke up with a bright smile I quickly shower and do my morning rutiean and then got dressed 

I woke up with a bright smile I quickly shower and do my morning rutiean and then got dressed 

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~Ivy's Outfit, makeup, and hair style~ 

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~Ivy's Outfit, makeup, and hair style~ 

I went down stairs with Kan and Sonya following closly behind me and started cooking some breakfast for everyone while humming a tone. "Kano go get dad and Sonya go wake up Bella please" They both ran off and not long after I heard yelling and screaming I knew that they were up. Bella soon came stomping down the stair with a very happy Sonya troting behind her "Good girl Sonya. Oh and good morning bella" I said patting Sonya's Head "What's good about it" She said Sitting down at the breakfast table infront of the plate I set "Oh alot of things bells alot of things" I said smirking a bit. Dad and Kano soon came down "Good Morning Girls" "Morning dad" Me and bella both said in unesine As we all sat down to eat "So any plans for the day?"  Dad said looking between me and bells "I'm gonna go hang out with jake and then we are gonna go to the movies with some friends from school. Ivy did you wanna come, I'm sure Jake would love for you to come." Bella said with a bright smile "Actually I have a date..." "What with who??" My dad and Bella both said at the same time "With sam Uley" I said with a blush My dad nods smiling "Well then you have fun And don't stay out to late" He said with a wink as he walked out the door to his cruiser. 

"I really want you to go the movies with us V" "I know bells I'll go next time" "ok V, so when are you leaving" At that there was a knock on the door I get up to open it only to reviel sam standing there with a bouque of flowers "Sam?! your early...not that i'm complaining" "I know, but I just couldn't wait to see you.....oh and these are for you" He said and thrusting the flowers at me. I gigled at his shyness "Thank you these are beutiful, i'll go put these in some water. You can come in for a bit if you would like." I put the flowers in a vase full of water "ok I'm ready" I say He nods his head and takes my hand to lead me out "Bye bell! Have fun at the movies and call if you need me" I don't hear a response just the sound of the bathroom door slamming I shrug it off and keep going. Once we go to the car Sam opened the door for me to his truck "A little help please" I said to sam while mentally cursing my shortness. He chuckles at me and picks me up and to help me int the car. once i'm seated he reaches over and hooks my seat belt, he turns to face me with our faces merly inches away from each other. He looked down at my lips like he was asking for permison I slowly nod my head and sam slowly leans in and puts his lips on mine.      

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