Chapter 6

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Ivy's P.O.V. ^^outfit up top^^

I walk into the house to see my dad sitting in his favorite chair with a beer in his hand looking angrily at the door, but his look soon softens once he sees that it's me. "Everything ok dad?" I ask as i step in and let Sonya and Kano in as well who run to Charlie "yes and no.....bella went off with alice who is Edwards sister and went off to Italy" my mouth dropped "you have got to be kidding me" I say facepalming "I wish i was V" my dad said while taking a swig of his beer " I'm sure she will be fine...I mean she's a strong girl" I say trying to cheer him up and ultimately failing. I sigh and head up stairs to bed.

~ mean while in Italy---Alice's P.O.V.~

Edward tried to fight off Felix as but was ultimately slammed to the ground and was about to get his head taken off "WAIT!!" I yell getting everyones attention "lord cauis what if I told you that I know who your mate is" I said gaining Cauis's full attention, he nods to Dimitri to let me go and nodding for me to continue "her name is Ivy Swan" i hear bella gasp "No not my sister....your lieing" "I'm not lieing bella. I smelt her scent and then I had a vision with king Caius and her other two mates." "Two mates? Who?" Caius demands "sam uley and Jacob Black they are both shifters" caius looks frustrated once i say that "wait jake is mated to ivy and sam too?!....i knew about her and sam but not Jake." Bella asks trying to grasp the situation with a hint of jealousy in her eyes but she quickly covers it up, I nod my head.

"Bella can you call her and ask if she is willing to come to Italy" i say to which she slowly nods and reluctantly dials the number. "What." I hear Ivy say angrily/sleepily "ivy, i need you to come to italy now" "oh hi bella, I'm good and dads good to. How's italy...oh wait i don't care" Ivy says sarcastically "Ivy I'm serious, i need you please" bella says pleasingly. We all hear Ivy sigh "i can't just drop everything and come bella. I mean what about my animals, dad, or sam and Jake-" "the boys can come too just please alice already got the tickets all you have to do is say your name at the airport front desk" bella says cutting ivy off. Ivy sighed "fine let me wake the boys and we'll be there soon bells, just text me where to meet you" she says bella hangs up the phone and looks at the kings

"So she's gonna bring her muts here too" jane says with discussed "that's enough Jane. Those mutts you call them are her mates as well which mean they are important to her so they are important to me. No one will harm the shifters, is that clear?" Cauis says to which all of the guards nod there head in respect even Aro and Marcus do the same.

~time skip-- third person's P.O.V.~

Soon Ivy, Jacob, and sam are walking in with her two dogs Sonya and Kano. Ivy immediately runs to bella and envelops her into a big bear hug. "What the hell were you thinking bells? You had us all worried sick." Ivy scolded "I know, I know but i had to-" "yeah yeah I know save edward. Jake told me" Ivy said while looking back at the two boys "tell me ms. Ivy....are these two your mates?" Marcus asks while stepping forward. Sonya stands at attention ready to protect and starts to growl at marcus while Kano stands closer to bella and edward ready to attack right along with sonya if need be. "umm yes they are" She says steping back so that sam could wrap a protective arm around her while Jake grabs her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze 

"Do not be afraid....we only wish to tell you that it seems you have a third mate."  marcus's says. Everyone but the kings look around in confusion "how....never mind who" sam says curiously, Marcus turns to his brother Cauis who stands and walks closer to the three soulmates. Sonya who has been growling at Marcus this whole time, stopped when Cauis started to aproch and seemed to relax, Kano relaxed as well and troted up to him and liked his hand before continuing off towards Ivy and finally sitting next to Sonya. "So your my mate?" Ivy asked steping out of her shifters embrace "It would seem so little one" Cauis answered With a smile which surprised his brothers for he never smiled before. 

"What does that mean for us?" Jake asked pulling Ivy back into his protective imbrace "Well....You are her soulmates which means you are very important to her and now you are important to me just as she is." Cauis says Jake nods in understanding "I hope that you all would consider staying here" Aro says looking between us with curiousity but not daring to step any closer than he already has in fear of the great dane who is watching all of there every move. "I can't I have a pack to run" Sam says slightly sadden by this "I could stay.....if Ivy wants to that is" Jake says looking down at ivy who is still in his arms. Ivy nods "But I don't wanna be away from Sam" She says looking down "I can always camute everyday here so that I won't be away from you for that long" Sam says trying to ease some of her worry. 

Ivy brightens up at the mention and all the kings nod in agreement with his idea "Wait wait wait! Ivy this is crazy. You can't just move here with them....I mean 30 minutes ago they were about to kill me and now you want to stay with them....Not to mention what would dad think of this. He would not accept you being in a relationship with 3 men." Bella says "Dad wouldn't care who or how many people im in a relationship with just as long as Iong as I'm happy and well taken care of." Ivy says calmly "It's disgusting ivy. it was bad enough that you are with two guys but now three and a murderer at that!" Bella says jealousy clearly written all over her face. 

I shack my head "Your wrong bella...." "am I V? Look V you have never made a smart choice in your life so right now I need you to be smart and come home and forget all about this so we can live a Normal life" Bella says, Ivy looks at her like she grew two heads. How could she say that about her when she was always the one getting her out of trouble or having her back even when the situation was extremely now for instance.

"I can not believe how selfish you are right now. You want me to leave my soulmates but its okay for you to stay with yours. Not to mention that YOU are the one that got us all in this situation in the first place when you jumped off that cliff. YOU are the disappointment not me. I've always been there for dad. I never left him except when he basically had to kick me out so I can go live my dream. You keep thinking that I'm some stupid little girl who needs direction well news flash bella i don't. I'm a grown ass woman." Ivy says to her which makes her even more pissed off, Ivy gives her a little smirk knowing that she won the least for now. 

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