Chapter 9

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3rd person P.O.V

Ivy slowly started to stear at the sound of whispers from the other room. She slowly sat up off of the couch, looking around she realised that she was alone in the big library, even kano was gone which she found highly unusual.

Still hearing the whispers and voices she made her way to another door which seem to lead to a study and peaked inside to see all three of her mates seeming to be having a heated discussion.

"Look we have to come up with some type of agreement." Jake says with frustration "Jake's right, it wouldn't be beneficial for any of us if we have to be away from her" sam says "so what do you suppose we do" cauis says sitting in his chair behind his desk while sipping a glass of blood to calm his nerves.

"You are all welcome to stay here" Cauis says "we would but i have a pack to run and Ivy can't just up and leave her father" says sam. "We could always commute like you said earlier. I can stay here with her for a couple weeks and then we can go home and she can spend some time with you. That way we all can get a chance to spend some time with her." Jake suggests "it'll be hard....but thats not the worst idea in the world" sam says to which Cauis nods in agreement.

Ivy decideds to slowly walk in the room and make her presence known as all three heads snap to attention in her direction. She slowly walks over to Jake and climbs into his lap and curl up in his embrace.  "Hey poison, how ya feeling" jake says as he moves a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm ok...what happened? All i remember is yelling at bella amd then everything went dark" Ivy says while looking down and playing with her hands feeling guilty for yelling at her sister.

"Well baby girl it seems to me you have powers...strong ones at that" sam says while grabing one of my hands and kissing the back of it in a reassuring way. "Powers... really?"  "Yes love, has that never happened before?" Cauis finally speaks as he grabs her other hand and dose the same thing sam did.

"No...never" ivy says in slight worry

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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