chapter 7

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Ivy's P.O.V.

Bella was practically shaking with anger "I am not selfish Ivy, you want to go gallivanting off with two wolves and a murderer then by all means go ahead. Don't come crying to me when you have been used up all your worth just like the whore that you are" Bella sneard at me, I looked at her with tears streaming down my face, after everything that I did for her. between leaving my band behind just so I can try to take care of her while her heart is broken

The whole room aroupted into growls and hisses between my mates, dogs, and the guards around us. Bella shrank a little back into edward who too a protective stance "how dare you make my mate cry you insolent little worm" Cauis says baring his teeth to bella as he takes a threatening step towards her with Kano right beside him.

"I-I'm sorry" Bella whimpered which caused edward and alice to take a protective stance against him more so Edward than alice. I clenched my fists trying to will the tears away, I felt this overwhelming feeling ...or power starting to rise and bubble up as I heard all of my mates yelling at the destrought bella, I felt as though at any moment I would explode. 

"So i'm the whore bella......when you were the one that would always fall for the boys that gave you any type of attention. Hell you even got two guys to fight over you by leading them on and yet you call me the whore?!" I say no longer saden by her words more so angered.  

Bella stepped out from behind edward to face me with a scowl on her face "and it would have stayed that way if you hadnt come here messing everything up like always. if Im being hounest I was happy when you first came because it just means that I now have anohter person to practically worship me.....but no you just had to come and take that away from me just like everything else" Bella says jealousy practically eousing out of her as she speaks and spears a quick flirtasious glance at Jake 

I feel what ever is building up inside of me start to bubble up and take over at her words as I feel my eyes shift and my body become very tense. 

Bella's P.O.V. 

I watch as Ivy's eyes open to reviel her once grey eyes to now be pitch balck that seemed to be staring into my soul. "You are a selfish, stupid little girl if you think that you can just stand there and belittle me after everything that I've done for your dumb ass. I gave up being with my band/friends so that I can take care of my big sister who got her heart broken by a selfcentered little boy who can't seem to think passed his own feelings and think about someone elses for once in his life just for you to come all the way to italy and not to mention breaking dad's heart by saying the very words that mom said and then drag me and my two mates all the way here to meet my third mate just for you to call me a whore and tell me to leave them for your own happyness?! did I get all of that right bella?!" she half yelled at me practically fuming. 

"all I did was speak the truth Ivy. besides you being the queen of anything is rediculous and it's not like you can keep three men all satisfied like a real woman can" I say crossing my arms with a smirk. I know that I should be scared right about now but why should I. Ivy has never hurt a fly.


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