Chapter 5

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Ivy's P.O.V. 

It's been a couple of weeks or so since I've seen Sam or Jake for that matter and Bella has been moping around a lot lately, Jacob hasent been answering her calls which is weird because I talk to him and Sam every day, infact im on my way to see them both now. They both said that there was something that they needed to tell me and to not tell bella which I found very suspicious. 

~Ivy's outfit~

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~Ivy's outfit~

I get dressed and grab my keys and start my way out the door "Wear are you going" I inwardly curse as I hear  bella comming dow the stairs right behind "To the beach" "Does dad know?" She says annoyed "Yup" I said "your not going to Jake are you because if you are i wanna co-" "nope just to the beach for a swim and back, wont take me long" I said intorupting her trying to get out of the door and before she could say anything more I call Sonya and Kano and Jade to come on while grabbing Kang placing him on my shoulder and we all head towards the woods to the meeting stop were Jake and sam are waiting. 

Time skip 

Me and my babies finaly make it to the clearing were I see both of the boys standing side by side. Jade and Sonya imediatly runs over to Jake while Kano runs to Sam. "Hey guys" I say Sam walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the check, Jake surprises me by doing the same thing. I turn to Sam to see him smiling "Guys whats going on?" I say worriedly looking at them "Ivy do you remember that old story that my dad used to tell us at the bonfire?" Jake says I nod my head "Well what if I told you that they were true....." "True.....You mean the moon children thing and the cold ones are real?" They both noded there heads "Prove it" They both nod and go behind a tree soon two wolves come out. My eyes Widen when I see a black wolf and a honey colored one step out from behind the trees Jake and sam went behind. 

Kano and Sonya happily run up to the two wolves greating them While Jade goes a little defensive as the black wolf steped closer. "Wow.....This is amazing.....You guys are amazing" I say as I rub both sam and Jakes head "Can you guys change back so We can talk." They nod there heads Soon they both come back out We all sit down in the grass, Jade and Sonya lay in Jake's lap, Kano lays on Sam's lap, Kang on my shoulder. "Ivy we shifters have this thing called Imprints or soulmate where that person we would become anything for them, do anything for them, our imprint becomes out gravity the only thing that holds us down to earth. We would become anything that the imprint wants weather its to be there friend, lover, or brother." Sam says "You seem like you know the feeling..." I say putting my head down while looking at my fingers "Yeah and she's the most amazing person in the world" Sam says "And don't forget beautiful and kind" Jake adds 

I feel as though im about to cry, I abruptly stand which causes Kano, Sonya, and Jade to all stand at attention watching my every move. "I should get going" I say stating to walk away only to be grabed and pulled back into a hard chest "You didn't let us finish Ivy" Jake says burying his face into me neck and kissing it. I shiver at the contact, Sam stands in front of me and cups my face "Baby...that beutiful and wonderful woman that we imprinted You" "Wait you mean both of you?" I said in disbaleif "Yeah beutiful you got us both" Jake says kissing the corner of my mouth, to which I turn and smash my lips onto his kissing him passionatly to which he returned with full force as soon as we pulled apart sam smashes his sips on to mine to which he quickly deepens the kiss and we start to battle for domince which of course he wins. 

I groan as I feel jake start to kiss on my neck while squiezing my hips while Sam continues to assault my mouth with his tongue. I smile into the kiss as we pull away and turn to kiss Jake. I was over the moon that I could have both of them and that I didn't have to choose.

Jake pulled away and I gave him a goofy smile "what are you smiling about Poison?" Jake says kissing my nose "probably because she has two sexy mates that will love her forever" sam says inbetween kissing my neck which makes me giggle "yeah sure that's it " I say with a smirk and giggle

We soon leave are spot and head to the beach for a mini date for all of us

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