Chapter 1

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   16 year old girl Griah L' Bane was never ordinary. She was not only the baby sister to 6 older brothers but she was also an orphan who just so happens to be a werewolf. Her 6 older brothers, Monti (mont), William (Wil)l, Francis (cisc), Sebastian (bash), Phoenix (nix), and Stephen (steph), were her sole protectors and guardians. Oh and don't forget they made it their lifestyle mission to make sure she never met another guy so … she tormented them. Of course for a long time she stuck to running off her older brothers girls but then they eventually all found their mates. 
For those who are wondering what a mate is...well for humans you choose your soulmate. The person you want to spend forever with and blah blah blah. Well for werewolves we don't get to choose and unlike humans we are guaranteed to meet our mate.
    Now I'm not complaining. I quite like the idea of having someone whose purpose is to be with me but my fear is he wont want me. You see even though our mates are chosen for us by the moon goddess not everyone wants to be with their chosen mate. For those who want to they can formally reject their mate the rejection will be painful obviously but the rejected mate will have a second chance mate. The rejector will be punished with the fate of spending the rest of their life without a mate. That doesn't stop them from being with someone else though. 

   You see a mate bond is special, you connect to your mate through a mating process. It starts with meeting, then you mark one another. For men they leave a bite on the womens neck visible for all other men to see she is taken. As for women they leave a bite mark on the neck as well but the mark will turn into a tattoo showing the males status within the pack. Men cannot take their place in the pack until they are mated or their father dies. 

   For example my Alpha has not found his mate but his father was murdered in an attack a year ago and that left Kalib in charge of the pack. Finding his mate will of course secure his position as alpha but she isn't necessary as long as the pack respects him. Also my older brother Monti is the packs Guard leader. When my parents died Mont was only 15 but the pack decided he was old enough to take over my dad's position as the leader of the guard. His job was to train warriors and ensure the safety of our alpha and our pack. They were known as the Guard. He trained all my brothers who are now members of the Guard as well.
  I on the other hand, I'm a female. My position is at home cooking ,cleaning, maintaining the garden,  and making babies. I know that sounds so old fashioned and sexist but truly I don't mind. I just can't wait to meet my mate so i can show him how great of a female wolf i am. Of course I don't believe the man should be in charge and make all the decisions but as for my duties I am very content. My brothers tell me stories of how much my mother loved being at home with all her children all day but I never got to meet her or my father.

    You see my  parents, they died in an attack when i was a baby. Apparently our previous alpha James had something the Hidden pack wanted and my father being leader of the Guard, was on the front line of the attack. Once my mother heard of the attack outside she ran after our father but just as she reached his body she was ripped to pieces herself. So all I have left of my parents are the stories me brothers tell me.

   Today is my 16th birthday and my brothers are dreading it because at 16 all females meet their mates. Males have to wait until their mate is of age so they never know when they'll meet her. My oldest brother mont met Shea his mate when he was 19 , Will met Liza at 16, Cics met kay at the age of 17, Bash met Mitchell when he was 20, Nix met Conner when he was 16 as well , and Steph met Kate at 15. Steph hated that Kate was older but eventually they got over it. Bash actually met his mate Chelsea when he was 18 but she rejected him in Hope's to be with our alpha, later when he was 20 he met Michelle. Monts mate Shea; she died in childbirth last year and neither her or the baby made it. Ever since mont has been rejecting every female who looks his way. I hope he finds a second chance mate to help him move on and be happy again but I know he needs time.

   As for me I will meet my mate today. That is if my brothers let anyone see me. They insist that I'm not old enough and they refuse to let me outside until tomorrow. The only problem is today is also the day of the pack meeting in town and all pack members are required to be there so they can't keep me awake all day. I can't wait to meet him/ or her but I'm pretty sure I'm straight. 

   Nix and Bash are gay but that's not so abnormal with wolf's. Wolves don't choose who they love and because of that everyone respects each other regardless of sexuality. I hear humans aren't so accepting though. We don't have much interaction with humans. Due to our abilities it's easiest to hide them if we just stay away from the humans. There are still a few humans who know about us though. First there are those who are mated to a wolf then there are hunters. Hunters aren't very common to come across though, so we don't pay them much mind. 

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