ushijima x kageyama x oikawa x iwaizumi (2)

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❗️wolf hybrids❗️

- part 2 of previous chap -

side note :
kageyama is a omega , oikawa , iwaizumi and ushijima are alphas

-ushijima secretly set up a training camp with aoba johsai and karasuno cuz he wanted to spend time with his boyfriends
-kageyama had his heat on the day of the training camp
-since he is a volleyball dork and still wanted to play in the game ( cuz if he told anyone he was in his heat , they would definitely tell sugamama and he be like : "OH HELL NAW YOU AINT PLAYING VOLLEYBALL" ) , he ate heat suppressants and pills that block his scent
-kageyama was doing fine till the last game of the day , with aoba johsai
-the pills stopped working and while setting the ball to hinata , kageyama felt a sharp pain in his abdomen ( cramps ) , he whimpered
-iwaizumi and oikawa , being alphas and kageyama's mate , obviously heard the whimper and their eyes immediately wandered to kageyama
-oikawa didn't realise the ball coming his way and karasuno won
-kageyama told dadchi he was going to the toilet so they could go to the dorms without him
-oikawa and iwaizumi mind-linked ushijima and the trio followed kageyama
-kageyama entered the toilet and took out his suppressants , he was about to eat it BUT iwaizumi snatched it out his hands
-oikawa's hands made their way around kageyama's waist while he whispered into kageyama's ears huskily "baby , why didn't you tell alpha you were in your heat?"
-kageyama felt the slick flowing down his thighs and he let out a breathy moan
-the alphas , heading the heavenly sound , released their scents
-kageyama was fucking overwhelmed and couldn't control his hormones , so he immediately submitted himself
-ushijima , oikawa and iwaizumi fucked kageyama well that night
-he limped back to his dorm while oikawa and iwaizumi followed behind ( ushijima had to go cuz his coach wanted their team to have extra practice )
-oikawa gave kageyama his aoba johsai jacket before opening the door for him ( GENTLEMAN )
-karasuno just stared at kageyama and oikawa
-oikawa came up with a great excuse to why kageyama limping ( "tobio chan slipped and fell in the toilet twisted his ankle" )
-kageyama just scowled when sugamama said no practice for him tomorrow
-the other days of camp was pretty normal
-till one day when oikawa was angry that kindaichi said that he knew kageyama better than him
-he BARGED into karasuno's dorm and screeched "tobio~channnnnn , tell kindaichi i know you better than him~~"
-kageyama : c o n f u s i o n
-"uh sure...?" was his reply
-"i'm your alpha so i obviously know you better than that turnip head! i mean like even though iwa-chan and ushi-chan ( ushijima) are your alphas too , it's obvious you love me more , rightttttt? probably cuz i'm the best senpai and i always shower you with love , besides , you moaned the loudest when i marked you."
-oikawa 2k20
-karasuno was s h o o k e t h ( i swear this is my favourite phrase )
-sugamama was a n g r y ( HOW DARE OIKAWA STEAL MY BABY'S INNOCENCE , quoted him )
-iwaizumi BARGED into the room , snatched up oikawa and gently held kageyama's hand before apologising and dashing out with the two
-oikawa got a heavy scolding from iwaizumi and ushijima that day
-ushijima and iwaizumi , being the responsible boyfriends they are , explained their relationship to karasuno and they accepted ( i mean whAt cOuld tHey dO ? )
-hinata was s a l t ( cuz kageyama didn't tell his 'best friend' he was in a relationship with 3 scary as fuck volleyball seniors )
-they could openly show their love since everyone was cool
-tendou still stole kageyama away at times cuz kageyama LOVES tendou's cuddles
-they all pretty much moved into kageyama's house after the training camp ( cuz kageyama's parents were never home *fashion designers that works in london* and his house was the biggest and could fit 3 grown man and one bAby )
-oikawa , iwaizumi and ushijima enrolled into the same college near karasuno ( so they could make a scene and pick kageyama up after practice )
-when they get home , they shower eat and LOTS OF CUDDLES
-the cycle repeats

a/n : this is a part 2 to the first one :) hope you enjoyed reading! ( i made it a lot longer )  

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