kuroo x kageyama

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(requested by many, i can't even tag-)

- kuroo was interested in kageyama the moment he stepped into nekoma's gym , the blue eyes , the cute frown on his face , the fluffy looking dark coloured hair , everything about kageyama was attractive.
- kuroo fell for kageyama more when he and hinata pulled off their quick attack.
- "oya? someone worth my time has arrived~! is this what they call love at first sight? kenma! what's that guy's name? the one with the cute frown and blue eyes?"
- "huh? karasuno's setter? he's called kageyama tobio. weren't you listening just now when the coach introduced them? and cute frown? sappy much."
- kageyama tobio. hmm... even his name... interests me. kuroo smirked. (LMAO SORRY IF THIS SOUNDED PERVY)
- kuroo did try to get kageyama's attention many times but obviously failed since kags is known for being dense and not being able to pick up hints not related to volleyball.
- kuroo's actions were so obvious that everyone in nekoma and karasuno could pick up that kuroo was interested in karasuno's setter, except the setter himself.
- they low-key mocked him behind his back but kuroo couldn't give two shits about them, trying to figure out what would make kageyama notice him.
- least to say, kuroo was quite dejected that kageyama didn't pay much attention to him but kenma comforted him (kenma has feelings OKAY) "uh... kageyama-kun is well... not good at socializing and um. he's just dense. you gotta tell him straight up. plus, not tryna break your heart but i don't think you're his type?"
- kuroo felt a knife pierce through him.
- but... wait wait wait... i don't think you're his type? kenma knows tobio's type?
- "ewww. apparently, he likes his senpai from junior high a lot. his name is oikawa tooru. but i'm not sure if he likes the dude for his looks or skills, all shoyo said was 'kageyama-kun really likes his senpai from junior high, his name is oikawa tooru and he has really good volleyball skills!' but i think its the skills since that setter doesn't seem like one to ever get into a relationship."
- "ugh. forget it. you're no help. i'll figure it out myself."

( with karasuno )

- "kageyama-kun! did you know nekoma's captain was totally hitting on you but your dumb ass didn't notice?!" hinata was bouncing on his seat on their way back to karasuno, screaming into kageyama's ears.
- "huh? and don't scream into my ears boke hinata boke!!"
- "yeah!! he was sending you goo goo eyes and was practically flirting with you! everyone but you could pick up the fact that kuroo-san likes you!!!!!"
- "why would someone even like me? not a funny joke but thanks."
- "yeah king , the rooster dude was totally hitting on you , you're so fucking dense , how are you even surviving , god."
- "shut up tsukishima. you're not better!"
- "so! what will you do?? yama yama-kun!!"
- "huh? what will i do? do what for what?"
- "oh my fucking god i'm so done with you king."
- "how are you going to react to kuroo-san hitting on you?"
- "oh uh i don't know??"
- "okay um how do you feel about him?"
- the question was unexpected , kageyama didn't pay much attention to the captain of nekoma , he was more interested in the setter (cuz of skills)
- "um. nothing?"
- "what?! how could you feel nothing?!!"
- "jeez hinata boke! you're no relationship expert, plus we literally just met today , why would i like a totally stranger i barely even know?!"
- "it's called LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!! plus i gave him your number already~"
- "YOU WHAT?!"
- "kageyama! hinata! stop fighting!" daichi roared
- both first years didn't wish to provoke their captain further so kageyama just glared at hinata while hinata stuck his tongue out at kageyama
- later that day kageyama got a text from a unknown number :
hey! you're karasuno's setter right! kageyama tobio?
um are you kageyama tobio?
- kageyama left him on read.
- kuroo thought he got the wrong number so he didn't continue texting
- at the next training camp , kuroo was determined to make kageyama his
- he got bokuto to help him
- "hey! hey! heyyyy! karasuno's setter! wanna have a practice match with us?? i want you to toss for me!!"
- kageyama would never say no to extra practice so he obviously agreed
- kageyama was grouped in kuroo's group
- which didn't make ANY sense since bokuto wanted him to toss for him BUT bokuto was in the other group
- kageyama couldn't pick it up anyways so it was fine
- kuroo would stare at kageyama the whole match and kageyama would notice sometimes (though he wasn't actually bothered by it) , but usually he won't because he's too focused on the match

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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