kindaichi x kunimi x kageyama

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- the trio are soulmates
- kindaichi and kunimi grew up together so they weren't too surprised when their soulmate marks were revealed.
- turns out they had a poly bond with another kid.
- the soul mark was a crown that had a crow behind it
- when the first three first met, no one suspected anything
- kageyama was a awfully quiet child and never talked to anyone unless they asked him a question, which rarely happens since kageyama was too scary looking for a first-year, even seniors were scared of him, except oikawa and iwaizumi ( and no. kageyama will not be obsessed with oikawa tooru in this chap, i can't bear to write kageyama almost getting slapped by a senior he looked up to )
- their first and second year in junior high passed quite peacefully
- at the end of kageyama's second year, his grandfather died when he was out getting tobio a new volleyball for his 14th birthday
- tobio's parents and grandmother blamed him for his grandfather's death
- tobio too was depressed that his grandfather died and the fact that his family was blaming for his death, it just added on the grieve he felt
- his parents disowned kageyama, kicked him out and made himself get a job to provide for himself since they didn't want to be anywhere near the 'murderer' of their dad/father-in-law
-tobio's grandmother refused to take kageyama in either
- kageyama was alone from that day onwards
- tobio wanted to do well in volleyball so he could make his grandfather proud
- tobio overdid it , he pushed everyone past their limits
- kunimi and kindaichi ( along with the rest of the team ) abandoned him during their last match when he was a third year.
- that was the last straw.
- kageyama tobio, the guy that never ever showed any emotions or cried before, shedded tears before giving all his team members a small smile and left the court ( even before the game officially ended )
- kageyama spent the rest of his time in the toilet, decorating his arms with cuts.
- the coach asked kindaichi and kunimi to look for kageyama so both the boys , reluctantly, went to look for the king
- they found him after searching for a few minutes
- kindaichi saw kageyama's soulmate mark when kageyama was scrabbling to wear his jacker
- "uh..sorry kageyama. put up a wall. we don't want you."
- kageyama saw it coming. he just chuckled and replied with a "yeah. i know. the wall has already been put up if you didn't notice."
- "I'll make my way home on my own. bye."
- kindaichi and kunimi didn't really care so they left without kageyama
- kageyama never showed up to classes or training after that day
- they heard oikawa-san whining to iwaizumi-san that 'tobio-chan' didn't come to aoba johsai ( oikawa does NOT hate kags in the chap )
- kunimi later found out that kageyama went to karasuno
- kindaichi heard from kunimi where kageyama was and requested oikawa to arrange a practice match
- oikawa was more than happy to do so
- kageyama wasn't in the best condition, he looked pale and scrawny
- hinata was the only he'd talk to
- kunimi and kindaichi couldn't help but feel worried
- kageyama coughed up blood in the middle of the match when he made eye contact with kunimi
- only hinata knew about kageyama's soulmates
- kageyama was sent to the infirmary and kindaichi volunteered to bring him there
- on their way there, kindaichi expressed his real feelings "um...sorry about what happened after our last match. i just felt uh..angry that you were being selfish and ordering us to try harder although everyone was already pushing to their limits. i didn't know about your grandfather or your...parents."
- "y-you. found out?"
- "uh. yeah. found out recently. kunimi and I was passing by your house and saw your parents outside at the porch and we heard them talking about...whatever happened."
- "oh. it's fine. i deserved it."
- " no! you don't! let's start over again! give kunimi and I a chance!"
- kageyama was actually very reluctant because he didn't want to be hurt yet again but eventually he decided that kindaichi and kunimi deserved a second chance
- to start off , the three of them decided to agree that if there is a misunderstanding between them , they will listen to the other party's explanation
- every week all three of them goes to each other's houses so they can bond more and understand each other even better
- after 2 months, kageyama warmed up to kindaichi and kunimi
- and after half a year, kindaichi and kunimi asked kageyama if he wanted to join them in their relationship
- kageyama agreed :)
- hinata heard and wasn't very certain if the relationship would go well but accepted kageyama's decision and supported him
- after all three of them graduated , they bought a apartment and lived together ( happy ending ✨)

a/n : hello ,, i'm sorry that the ending is a bit rushed but i hoped you enjoyed this chapter overall , idk if it made much sense because i literally just thought of the idea for this chapter in school today . i'm sorry if it isn't that good , it sounded really awesome in my head HAHAHA .

the next chapter will be kuroo x kageyama since many of you requested that ship :>

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