oikawa x kageyama x iwaizumi

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*i could only find one photo of them 😭

-oikawa and iwaizumi were dating but they both wanted kageyama too
-they , well iwaizumi (cuz oikawa 'couldn't be bothered with tobio~chan' ) texted kageyama to meet up near karasuno
-since it was iwaizumi , kageyama agreed
-so he went after practice and everyone was surprised he didn't stay for extra practice
-tanaka and nishinoya followed him since they had nothing better to do
-when they saw kageyama talking to iwaizumi and oikawa , they took a picture and sent to the karasuno group chat but the crackheads were too stupid to realise kageyama was in it
-kageyama felt his phone vibrate so he checked. and saw the photo.
-kageyama's eyes ARE SHARP. he immediately spotted the duo and glared at them before texting a "you two really thought i was that stupid?"
-oikawa and iwaizumi noticed kageyama's expression so they looked around and saw tanaka and nishinoya
-oikawa smirked before leaning in and kissed kageyama
-kageyama dropped the damn phone and iwaizumi shouted "the fuck shittykawa! i wanted to kiss him first!"
-kageyama just stood there while tanaka and nishinoya started taking up the role of a paparazzi
-iwaizumi kissed kageyama before whispering into his ear "be our boyfriend."
-let's just say , kageyama always had a major crush on both his senpais so he shyly nodded his head
-oikawa cooed at his little tobio when tanaka and nishinoya sent kageyama texts
"wtf bruh you didn't tell your favourite senpais you're in a relationship with those two?"
"i can't believe you kageyama"
"i'm disappointed honestly"
"answer me"
"apologise this instance"
-oikawa got mad that those two were 'harassing' his boyfriend so he snatched kageyama's phone and texted a 'stop texting my boyfriend and you two better not tell anyone or else."
-who wasn't scared of the great king ?
-tanaka and nishinoya obviously kept their mouths shut
< time skip to during the last set of the karasuno and shiratorizawa > [ none of this is real , just wanted to say before some of y'all be like 'what is this nonsense? this never happened ]
-kageyama had received ushijima's spike and because the spike was ushijima's 120% , he injured his arms
-kageyama got sent to the infirmary and oikawa was freaking out
-kageyama came back during the award ceremony , he had a mild fracture in his left arm
-oikawa and iwaizumi were about to screech "bAby , are you okAy?" ( yes , iwaizumi )
-after the match , oikawa and iwaizumi didn't even bother about hiding their relationship anymore
-they went up to kageyama and kissed him
-"you okay baby ?" kageyama just hummed before pecking their lips "i thought you didn't want anyone to know?" "doesn't matter , does your arm hurt?" "nah."
-karasuno just stood there while tanaka and nishinoya snickered
-"wAit whAt?" came out of hinata's mouth
-"help us buy 10 pork buns and we will tell you everything!" tanaka demanded
-tanaka and nishinoya told karasuno everything while kageyama just snuggled into iwaizumi's chest
-iwaizumi promised karasuno he'd take care of kageyama ( oikawa can't even take care of himself )
-sugamama and dadchi allowed their relationship cuz kageyama looked really happy with iwaizumi and oikawa 

oikawa , kageyama and iwaizumi dated until oikawa and iwaizumi proposed to kageyama. kageyama said 'yes'. < duh > they had kids. < m'preg wh00ps > the trio never stopped loving each other and they were a happy family~~

a/n : i know it ain't good , i know. but i tried :)

note : okay. i re-read this before publishing and it doesn't make any sense sorry lol. 

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