miya twins x kageyama

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-atsumu met kageyama during training camp 
-he liked him , obviously
-he asked kageyama if he wanted to hang out after the camp with his brother and him
-kageyama said yes because he because he thought it was for some setter tips
-osamu and atsumu met up with kageyama a lot after the first time they hanged and they gradually became closer
-osamu and atsumu really like kageyama so they decided to ask him to be their boyfriend
-kageyama agreed though he wasn't too sure of a poly relationship could work
-it went well.
-no one really knew about their relationship expect for inarizaki (because atsumu had a big mouth and fucking whined that he missed kageyama )
-kita and suna loves kageyama (along with everyone else cuz how can someone not like baby kags)
-the boyfriends met again during nationals
-atsumu and osamu didn't want to hide their relationship anymore cuz too many other people very acting way toooooo friendly with their baby
-during the part where 'the people that were gonna play against each other' gathering thing (lmao idek ) , atsumu and osamu made a big entrance
-everyone stopped what they were doing to just spectate (cuz what on earth are the infamous miya twins up to now?)
-all the members from karasuno gathered soon afterwards ( because it was too crowded and the parents didn't want to lose their crows )
-atsumu and osamu went up to kageyama and ratsumu (being the cunning bitch he is) groped kageyama's booty before huskily whispering into his ear about some kinky shit (i don't hate atsumu so don't throw any shade pls)
-everyone were like 'wtf' (EVEN saltyshima was concerned about kageyama's future with the two cunning foxes)
-hinata lost his jaw so his mouth was left dangling , awaiting flies to enter (anyone got a jaw to spare?)
-kageyama being the dense child he is just nodded while greeting a "miya-san"
-kageyama got a "tobio-kun! you should be calling me babe or even....daddy~~!  i meannnnn......you are our baby boy~~ plus! which miya are you referring to~?"
-sugamama and dadchi got triggered by the 'sexual word' (but we know that's what suga calls daichi in bed) grabbed osamu and atsumu by their shoulders and led them out to have a private conversation
-in the end osamu and atsumu managed to get the crow parents to trust them and got their blessing
-the twins shower kageyama with love 24/7 and there're a happy couple :)

a/n :
this chapter was really bad cuz i rushed through this story in between my breaks from studying, the next time i will be updating this book is after my last batch of exams (15 oct ish) so please be patient :) 

i promise that the next chapter will be better! thanks for all the votes and comments! 

i feel like all my endings are the same so any suggestions? also, any ships you want me to do? 

these are the current few ships i have in mind:
- kunimi x kageyama 
- tsukishima x kageyama 
- kindaichi x kageyama x kunimi 

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